Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Table of Tables. fComm~> L>w, lSom< cr., difpu«a. S« in •h< C-f•ifl. Articles of Magms.Cbarra, and touching Charta Fortfl•. Vol. I. p. 3,98. c. J. Civi!L!.w. Voi.1 . 40,9.C,J,417.C.t. I.Aw;trs Eccleliafiica!LawsinfundryPropoliuons, vol.t. p,t66. m. ay read lEight Kings Ecc!eftaliical Laws whereby the Chwch was govaned befott the Conqudl. vol. r ,_883, 88+ httc, STheApofilesCanons, as they call them, vol.J.p.12. t7•'·' · ' • , Canon law, ddiverc:d in[PopesCanons, actnCureof them, vol.z.p.34.9·'·2· . · T' ' '"'bQ•om<ions,vol.,.p.JJ6,<.2.wid•o•hasoflik<kind. He:~roX~:~:~~Sg~~o.0r~i :.66.~~5. i from l"· Whatitfignifies, vol.z.p.38o. Lii~~i~r ~~~;,fa~ ;rl~::1 Dur,h Etymologies, vol .•3· p. 1. c.z, fl:udies, Grttlreadings., voLt.p.t8.c.2.;uHr'Tiw'li'""'"HnV• vol.I.p.12,<:~J'h~l I ~r"'1h•o'n~; with abwtdant more in that Pige, &c. 1 : l \V~~ings.{~~fo~ T~n~ ~~~~·~~~~874• c. 2, M. M~rch"!lts may ~ere find a me example of one that was a Martyr as wit~ as a Merchant, mcrc~difmg as well for godlmefs as gam, for soodnd'S as wdl as good~ i-n that Mirrour of Piety and Patience, Wif/tam GArdintt J fuffning tonnmt to death tor Chrif\ in PortugAl. in EJw. the 6th. rdgn. N. 0. OIJ ag~ may here with its dim ey~ fee plain patterns to lead him in the plain way ; and cncournge him, feeing he is fo mgh his end, rather to be d1lfolvtd (if he be called unto it) irt flames of fire to be with Chrifi, dxn in this lafi period of his life to deny him, and by and by at his dath be denied Chrifi, Haven, and any thing dfe but only Hell and damnation. j~:~~t~:~:yv~~~~~:,,;~L3. P·38.rol.t. Compue P·359· rol.z. P•37S· c.2. More, vol+P·587.c.2. Pbotim11avayoldman fuffasforChrifi,vol . r. 52.c.r. Pol]car.·pus, who coming to the pl~ce of Martyrdom to die ~or Chrifl, and being. pafwa. • dtd to twn, and he lhould be d!Ccharged; anfwmd, Esghty fix ;tars havt I bmJ Chrifls jtnJilnt, anJ bt ntvtr;et hsm mt, hMP thtn m117 I now f}eak wsl of hsm t. wh:chhatbtbusprtfer-vcdmt? vol.I.p47· P. Qtcrll Katburmt, svol.2. P· 491· C,l. 493· SM::tkethis (loryworthy to be ~:;~~ ]i;~~;bah, l~~~: ~: ~.'312~. :.~~·p. 83 ·'· 2 • P• 792.£ s::. ofthe R.oyal eyes cf thar