Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Tahle ofTables. R. Rtgiftm of ancimt Records may here meet with abundance of thofc throughout the Hifiory. s. rOf the Turks at C~JI. antinopk. Vol. I, P• 838. c.l.. 'f IOftheFrmchagatn!l:the PoJl(, vol. • .p.S3o.c. J. -zi[ca, vol.t.733·'·2· s.. /Jim m•Y Ofth< G"m.· am~P"''l''"'• vol. .. 736. ,,,, . i SS"'US<<m, here beholdl ·Cqpsflranm, ':ol.r . SJ~.c.2. Iuallv.:hkhfec:notable2 the fights Ofthc&glifh. throughout,.·thc:Hifiory, w.i,chSaxcm,Danu, . Valour. Sc(tts, Ps fls, Normam, &c• •l Of,:h;, G~J:;."P~S;~~~!~s.w againft the THrk, vol.•. p.S~o.l T. Tr 6 Jt{mtll of moft ~!hall find hac rarc:)?3ttans of piety of life:; and pati,c:ncc: in fuffaing dtafh fot. C~in~ oftheirowncalling, th.rooghoU[thethird VolWJl(', V. ~Of valoor in the Maid that defmda:l Ushos againfi the Turks, "'<~Cl\ t~. nxn had ~Cl}, giv~n ova Vi imm1ybe- defending it, Vol. r. p.863.c.2. hog here for Of patimc.e and mttkneis, in Rofo Alltn a Maid, quic:tly fuffering hand to be buma:l for Chrifi.J their intltud:i· vol.3. p.698. on minours Of couragtOUS dying for €hrift, iu lhe admirable example c» Blamlma, vol.1. p.52. c.2. w. Of Challity in that Noblemans Wife of &me, wf\o would rather die than~ defiled with ~ loftfulMaxwu,,VoL •·l'9l·'·'· Womm have here roe Of Martytdom, in• and het fevot Cbildrm, cruelly.mmy. red for Cb.rifi, volt .' Examples P·45, c.J. Of Soph14, 3.Ud her t\;u~ Children martyred, vo}. 1 . 45· c.r. In many-more women, fometl.ll;lCS mOther 'VIP dtl~btH ~mbrapng ~for ~hrill, in d'" thil;dVoluro. · Y. T7;:':jt=~~:b~~t~=}~:g0t~ tw;:~;~r ~~t iuff~':if:~~~j~~t:t~:r~f~~er in tbe ~Thatfamousyoungman, MartyrGtrmanicus, vol. I. p.48. c.2. OfOrig~ayouth, that ~ehementlydefiredMartyrdom, vol. I. P·59· c.2. In the ocample of Of P~mtm1s, of but fiftetn years old, admirably fuffuing for Chrill, Volum. I· P·53 · C.l: A child Marry~, vol. 1, p. 99· c. 21 ~. T ~n~ ~~;rp:;:~:~!~yd~~L::a.~=d';;; ':er!:~c~~~~~~;~r~i~~bu~~h::~t:a~1~~~~~:y~tc~~ic~~:~ thJSBookalcc:rhJSreadingit,ifhimfe}.f~l~tinfault; (To fe~cle the judg~ent in the tmth, thoufands that fubfcr~bo:t to it in bl~; j To Will the affeChons, the moft pathetical fpceches ofdying Saints: Here is in this Book t 'I Her~t_::t files and ranks of Chri{han Soldiers to mulier thee in Chrifi~ Here _ls _ual.buming ~in it be in fhmes of fi re.. . . . To m:=ouragetHerc: IS godlindS, whtch whot it is fcoifed not, when it 15 bumed piaCbfe not. Here is Devotion praying fweetly,~~~~~.:ntmt Emperour. LadyJane, and many others;