Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

I_ I ' A c ,HRONOLOGY OF Mafi:er F 0 X his Martyrology. .AnAJvtrtiftmenftotM&Iftltr, T HA T here is prefented unto him a compendious Chronological Table of the ~~~ ~;:'fe~k~~:nt~~fr ~g~~iF~xi~ist~e;~'~:d0~~~~~a3t;~:)' d~~~fi~~~~e: into kveral Columes; The ·. FirO:and fmaller Colume making report oftime. • Four next larger of perfons. Sixth and largefi of matten, concifeJy anatomizing the whole body of the ll:ory into the m:'lfier veim, arteries aodfinews. Seventh, lafi and leaO:, pointing to the place in the large Volumes, where the Contents of all the otherColumes are to be found, and filled up with fielb, bloud and fpiriu of larger Difcourfes. To which we have adde~ this brief€hronological Digefi, that it may ferve the fiudious Reader, either as a perfpeC:bve, when· by to view what ground he is to travel, and where the feveral turnings are,befOre he begins to read ; or as a RcgiO:er or Note-book, wbercby to recollect his thoughts and obfervatioos afier fo loog a travel in reading fo voluminous a Work: And at all times to be both as a Map of the limits,aSceletonofthelimbs,and Pourtraiture of the face of fo rare a Story and a right Martyr; as alfo a Methodical Index to • find and fetch in the main bulk of any fpecial piece of the Story (out of the heap of pfol ix circumftances wherein it is covered) wlien it is to be remembred or.pcrufed. In all w1lich thus projetted, and with extraordinary care and pains effeCted, i_f any Reader from his knowledge of other Hifiories, conceive that many touches of addttions or alterations of things, names or times, would have done well; let him remember that Mafter Fox his Book of Martyrs was the Copy fet before the Pen tO write afier, both for matter and method. Asalfo, that tbefcopeofthe was, to make this Model a Key to the fame; fo that if we had any ways fet thiiand the great Volume at difference and odds, we had ft:t the Son againft the Father, many references ofrhis to that would have mifreported things, aod the whole ProjeCt had been ruined. This Child then, though a tender little weak one, comes abroad under tbe Parents Wing; and is modefily bold to fpeak and go on thi i way, becaufc in its word it doth (as we fpeak) fay afrer the Father 5 Srquiturtptt p4trem qu4mvis non paifibw tquif, and follows the Fathe.n foc;'rfieps, tho~gh i~ c_annot ftride fo wide. The hope is that that Nail will not fcore thts Paper wtth dt(ltke, whofe Finger never felt ;~~~~~~~~~~~;~?t~~~ ~t:~~r~~fi\~o~;~ci~~~~~~;;f~~~~e~~fs c~~o~o~~~;hi~:::~~t~fi~~ Fox his Story; whofepam, though belonging to the fame time, are Oft fofar difperfed,and the fame things at fuodry times fo frequently repeated, that it could not but be a great labour to gather them into times Method. • Farewel. Firll,