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Amw Roman R(Jm.m Cbrifti Empu. Bilbops. ~~fr~m CuDobcli- '7· ~~~~i~~~ Jl• ~~~:.i~s 3435· 39· ~::. Cdigul~o A Chronology. ~~~f;j ~b~r Ga:~~I::~f~~ii~m~!i~:r!~hs~:~Ol~~~trt~~glU~~!:fa~~:h: ~:~~: · C•nttr- PrinccofPridls, Biihop of the Workl, A Neithtr-Ood·•tOr·man, but a bury. thingbetwttn~~ ~~~~.;~~~lca;,f;1~ifh~ofRDmt I '· Th< Act of th< Ni'"'' Cow'"' 'l\'>nfi omymg "'"" festoRom~, and thc1 r livcrtafons 3· Ad: of the Synod ofM;kvttan,agamft APJ'Clls toRomt 4· T he Expofiuon of the name head B11hop 1 5• Umverfal Bt!hopd1d nfc and !land at 13. ' lhew'd 6, ~~~~::tfilio ofBi!hops forbid~tll by 9', rjll'J. < 7· Grtgory his ufuifi of the name Umv~fal Bt~op. I 8. Ob)(frions for the name Un i~etfal Blfhop, anfwmd. 9· Argumentsprovingtheequal•tyoftheApoftles. 15. I JOA~~k to arguments for PtttrJ Supremacy over the I 16. tl , Certain dtmands, which artfwertd, ovathrow Pt- 19. t~r.rSupremacy. . \ 12. ThirtcmcaufesoftheRomanBiihopscomingtothJs 20. 4• DoCtrine. Fo~ Pa~i~~:·Apofile,and Pttm Succeffor flat1y differ in nine- ~ n. tcm fummary po!nts, 'Vi::.. ~ouching Jufiification, Merit, fl:rcnt?th of na- 1 :;:r::!-r:~t~d!f~r~:nt~~~:~~~r~~~~~~s~~~~ t I ing in thefirfl: andfccondAJ•m, imputation of the firfi andffeond i 23. AJam.rcondiric:m to man, the glory of a mans condition in Chrifl:,dilferma:ofdays,differenceofmeats.,hmitationofmarriag(', facriliceforfm, dx holy Communion, the ~umber of the Sacraments, what language to bcufedintheChurch,olx<hencetoKings,thearmouroftheCh~.ttch.ln all which whof~cr knows Saint Pauls judgment, let him fuppo(e the cleancontraryoplllion, andthatisthetenetoftheC!nuchofRome ; the fcvcnl differences may be couched into this one; Paul advancethChrifl:, and cafl:eth down man: The ChLUch of Rome cafieth down Chrifr, and advancethman., Th~ Author of this Hifiory comes to the Rot!y of the StorJ> That 33· Chnfi is rejeCted, and crucified by the J ews, choofing Cefar for their Kinginthefevcnteenth ycarofthatTibaim. Gods judgment on the Jewr for it. Tiberius Cef4r hearing of Chrifis Mirnclcs, Refurrrdion and Afcenfion, movcstheScnatctorcceiveandadoreChriliasGod. · The Senate of Rome refufeth to rccciv~ Chrifi for God, bccauf~ contrary to th~ Law of the Rom;uu (as theyfaid) he was rtc~ived for God,befor~ the Romlilns dtcrccd the Wnc. This Tiberi111 lived fiX )'tar'S a1rtr Chrifis Paffion. Gods judgmmt on the City of Rome for refufal of Chrifi, thdr Empaors turning ~xtrem~ Tyrants agai.nfi them, almofi to their utter fubvnlion. And for thrtt hundred ')'ms after Chrill, in which time were thirty two Emperors, was there fcarce one Emperor but came to an ill end. Tibtrius and his Tyranny dcfcribcd. By whom he was executa!. 3S. Gods judgment on Pi late that condemned Chrifi ; which Pi/ate was depofedfromhisplace,banithcd,andatlengthhcflewhimfdf. T~g!~:Unfh~d~~e~t~~!'~~~~ta7f~i~;:~:. = ao~f~.~ 35· Deacons, with2oooChrilliansmor('. Paul is Converted. Tiberius Cefar having reigned twmty thrtt ytars dies, after whom fucce«<.- eth C. Cefar Caligula: commanding his Image to be fct up i tl the T~mple of Hierufalem; which was the lx-ginning of The abomination of defolation to ftaml in tbe Holy plact. H~ rook the Romans wiv:S violently from them; and having ddlowrcd three of his own fi flers)bamlhed them. By this C.Ceffilr Caligula, ~ HeroJ that mocked Chrifl:, and murthcred 'John the Baptift, W$ banifhed, anddiesmifcnbly. Cai'!pht~t al~owasdcpofcd by thel3id Caligula. Mlngus Ca~f~d :me! ~i~~~: ~~t~tu~~h~;o:a~~ohe~: ~~:~S~rdh~~ Dagger; which were uftd for cruelty by him that followed, 'lJirt.. J;;~;~;;;fi~~h:i~C:h~:rell~~~~~:~Tyram. Simon and P4rmtnt~t, two of the feven Deacons., martyred. Thmuu the Apofil~, preac.hing to the MeJu, Ptrjifilns and Partbilfns, Gtrmans, &c. ~ Oam With a Dart. ~:;,;7~tA~~~~h~~~~i~t~~~(il~~~ ~:~:7:iiJ:~~~;j~~ the ooVmlOurcrucinro. Matrhtw the Apofile wrote his Gofpcl to the 'Jews in the HtbrtwTongue, 36. HeisrnartyrcdwithaSpcar. Maubit~.~ the Apofile preaching to the 'Jtwr, was fioncd. Philip th~ ApoiUc having much JaOOnred among th ~ Barba.rous Nations in preaching,wascrucificdandfionedtodeathatHterapo/f4, Jamts