Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Romalt Kingsof ArchbiBilhops. Engl.mJ ~~e~ J,urJ. Antcrilll. A Chronology. His mot:ha: MtrmmtiS hearing of Origms fame, fou for him from .Altxan- VoLI, Jria, to h(;lf him, who came to mr and the Emperor her fon. Pag. Though he favored the Chriftians, yet Come wcrt mmyml in his time, as ~~fi~~~~o~h':CJ!;;~~rt:Cr~t'i~iJ~at by him no Proclamation was Thepcr(onsptrfmttedundcrh.imtheyrcckontobe, Calixtus martyred. Many OrdmanctS of the Fill of Embtr•'lllttl, of not acculingBilhops,&_c.fa~yputuponhim, Urb11m11 Mar~n:d, HIS EpL!l:lc dtcretal of Church·goods, Confirmations, 64 &c. mayjufilybcthoughttobcfeignrcl. Tiburtius and Valerianus, Converts of Urha11m, and Noble men of Rome, Ct~~::v~:1rc of Valtri11nus, a grut confihnn of him and his brothtr T,.. bur:ius,andarnunsofthe8Jptizingof4oopufons(asthelloryrcports)Martyrcd• .Agaptms of fiftec.n y~rs.. who could neitha be m:tdc to facrifia: to Idols, norbelnlkd"":nhwhtp:s., hotwatrrpourcduponhim, or wild Bcafis, WJsbyBeheadmgManyrcd. The ExtcutiOJl(r of this Agaprttu, n:untd Antiochut, in the extroting of this Martyr, fell down from his Scat, crying, That his inward Bowels bumcdwithinhim,and.fodycd. more(asAuthorsaffirm)aswellof the&nateand.chid'cf RtmU,as others Wtt~ martyred under this Empo-or, and their Hcad.swtte hanged ovcrtheC~tygatts,totmifieothmfromthtprofdlionofCbrill. Albcir,astouchingthetimeofthtfefore·named Martyrs, I fuppofct:hcy fufftted rathtt under Maximim11 or Duitu, dun under .Ait:umtkr. This Emperor Maximinut, was chofcn Emperor rather by the wilfulndS of the Souldicrs, than the will of the Senate, He cauftd the ftxth Pal'«U- ~~~Sht;i~.l~~~~~~ ~e ~~~~,h~dgr~~~:~~ tteiO:~~~;~cr;y that Urbanu1, and the the former pcrftcUtion, fuKcredratherundcrthisMaximinur,thanund.crthat.A./txllnJrr. Orig~n, under ~-~is Emperor, wrote. his Book DtMarf)riq. Pom10nur the B1ihop of Romt bamrhed. This Gf»"dianus was a. !tamed and quiet Prince, and govm1cd with JRu~;h 65 peace. Pomianu1 the Bi!hop of Rome dyes. His Epiales d«retal, touching the hypttbolical dignifyi~tgof theC!ttgy, probably arefeigntd. At this time were ra~fed in the Church other famous Fathers, as, Phiktu1 Bi!hopof Antioch. Zebmus Bifbop of .Anti11ch. Amm/J11i~.~ the Schoo1-mafiaof0ri_{m, who wrote divmBooks in defence of Chrifiian Religion : and contmucd himfelf in the: Profdlion thttrof. ']ulius.Afrir.,nus,,whoWJS (as Ninphor1n writes) a Scholar of Origm, andagreatWnterofHill:orics. Nataliu1, who had fuffered as a goc:x1 ConfeH'or, much perfteution, but be. ing hiwi ~ith pr(fermcntof· bcrng a BUhop, and by mony, vi%.. 150 pieces of Stlver every month, he numd to be of the Sea of ThtM«<Ir. Butbeingmuchafrlid«<bythclord,herepmting,rrrumcdtothtCfui.. &.m~~;~:t~~~~~fi:~i;~~·of Rome, .htrriUsdid aufc the livcsanddcathsof Martyrstobcwrium,thathchimfelfwasMartyrc:d _byMaximi'?urthcJudgt. Htppol.Jfusa Bdhop, a grut Wr~ttr, Eufibius and f!itrOmemmtioning his Books, and a Martyr, by bc:mg drawn with wtld Horfcs through the Thickets. ' G~.Jianu1 Emperor, isJbin; PhiliJ Em~, after h~m. TI~:~:.h~~fsu~~i~;::~~ili~~o~~~:~ ~:: ~~~F;~~fr, ~~~~~~::ab; ~:f:~~7~ea:a.s 0~'~iife~~~fniP;:~: ~ ~:J~~~;~~.ert~;'?o;"R:u~~:~ flkc,heandhisSonwcre:llainbyDeciusoneofhisCaptains. This Drcit1s Emperor, moves the feventh Perftcution,whichwas·a mcfi terrible one, beca1,1fc, ?cfidd P?ilippus his Chriftianity, he had commiutd hisTreafuretoFab~antheBt(]lOp. • . This Bifhop Fabian was amarrytd Man, and chofen Bifhop, as Eufibius rcports,bythelightingofaDoveuponhishead,a.shcfioodamongtheAfferobly met tochoofc a BHbopof Rcmt. He was Martyred by Duiur. TheOrdinancc:;ofburningtheoldoyl ,andconfrcnti~gtttwonceayeai;Of not Marrying withinthefifthOtgrtt,&c. ma.y)ufilybc>fufpc:dtdof feigning. T o~h!i~eKa:f'j:is'f~~h~igrn Je OrtbcJcxia fiJd fit~, that is, Of the vingtothisDu_it~s, fuffeml wtder him many bands, tormmts, ~~~~~~~~~w~~~~~l~y ~:~:::!,7~i~J· :~~~~~~:t~~~a~~~~ the Idol, ordfehelhould~ave hisBOdydefiledby,the:Ethtop; hechofe r:uher to SJ:crifice, for whtch he was Excommunicated of die Church ; and .for ~is calling upon the C~rifiians to cany thofc Boughs which ~e hadmlushand,inhonortoChnH,whichtheHcathcnwfedtohonorthar gods withal,was by the Church of Altx11nJri• rrtnoved from their Corn· mwtion, and fo dqmrcd. thence for fhame to '}twr;. Where being