Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

1 1 A," Empn-. s;fhops Cbrifti. ofGrt.ut ofRorm. 337 orCrm· A Cbr01zolog;. Jl.nuno· ph. 447 456 11u:Kingsof ENGLAND. 08111fJiiu. Maximianus. Grt~ti;mut. Ctmjlantinusthefecond. c-----.A.--, f{!~fl~i~~ ''~ii:t~~,;Y~?~~~'ii ;~:~-:.~' !! ... "' a. TbeJ,;,.;, ,.. Ktngoare ~~frr~ Sntbftx. • • Sl!itll{•xu$!1.clgDed. ~~i:·.~~~t~~~~~;~,.~z~: .u. A4tfwoU, A4tlbri'b1• Adh•"·· Archbi- TimsrheTen PER.SE CUTIONS Vol.t lhopsof (h:~vinglafiedthrcchundrcdynrs)cnd, Page. ~:;.er· ~~ur~h~e;::~~ !!1~ io!a~~~j:~: ~~~~ CtmjfAntine'sgood Government. In the time of.rhis V,urtigtr, the Pilh ~nd St()ts {~ fpm!«l. tlus Umd, that Vomga wasfe•gntocravcaidofthtSaxom; whichSaxom, ar lallgrowingfirong, began tO fulxlue the Land to thcmfelvrs. Whrnupon the Britaim complain«l to Vortigrrnagainfithe repairing of foma• nySaX®J, But he not hf'arkning to them, wasaftafcvcn ytarsrdgndtpofcd hythcm, andVortimtr hisSonischofen King in his room, as followeth in theTable. This Vortimtr in fome good ma.fure fuppreffeth d1e Saxrms. At length he was poifomd ofhis fiepm01hu, having rdg.ncd fixyms. Tha1 the &id Vorti(trn, before dtpofed, ~- ~,,:~it~et~:~: a1~:oo~:~~fSa~O::: And wha1 he &w the Brit'3ins too firong for him,~ concluded pa.cewiththcm; and Wlda that covert, works Tra.fon, llaying the Barons at Sa/Mb~ry Plain; andtherebytookthe King PrifO!l(r: And fo in this Kingdom of Englan~ began the Kingdoms of the Sums, Untlltheycame : ~~C::~hK~h~d~~:~~~ ~~~~t~ d~~fv~ ofthdrLandby theSa;~:ons, theBritains wcre notutwly driven out, but that a certain Kingdom remained amongfi them infomepartofthcland; namely, about Corn,~al and the puts of Cam~ria, which is dtvldcd into two parts, vsz.. SoHthWAlts,calledDmutia;andNorth-WAia, calkd. VmtJoua. Yn, many time the :~tti:~ d~~ ;_~~,r:,n a:~hf;jtx:J:~'e tt~ Britains wae uttttly vanquilhed out of Brit•in tO WAits by GormunJm, whom theythemfdvesfentfor out of !rtlanJfor their hdp. Of the Kin~ of Kmr, the firfi Kingdom of the fcva1, this Htngijhll was Ethtlbtrt, thefirfiSa;~:(ll'lthatreceivedthe faith, and fubducd the 01:her Kings, all fave Northumbtdand. -King Ercombtrt firficommandcdLcnt tobefaficd in t~~c~~~~&:~~. ~¥!tr~~~~: ~~ all Canterbur; Archbilho~ were ltAltllm. - ln the Reign of tlus BalJrtJ, ~t~:i~.r~';ft ;.,a:(ll'l:~;~~t~~cdE~~: 1o~":;3 ~~~~~h~;,~~~~~ng;i~;, i~o;;: givatto thetlder SonofEgbm, named EJhtlwolf. This Kingdom laficd ~4~ yous. Of theKi.ngsofSouth-Saxrmt; Cijfa gave !:J~g ~';~~~:a~0k;:'t;~;,;;~r~:: cl!~ Marlhal of Kii1g Uur, whom Pwth the Sa;~:rm flew. -- This Pwtb came in at the Fb.vo1 called Portl:rmru:b from his name. -The little mmtion in Authors of Ethtlwt/frrs, makes me think him to be th3t .Adtlwo/J, who is alfocallcd Ethtl· wa/J,whichisafterwardsnamcd. -The little mcmivn of Autho1sof Cmdtbm and EtbtluJ, makes me think them to be thofe Kings of Kmt, Erc®Jbrrr and Egtbm reigning at the fame time. - .AJtlw;~