Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Chronology. ~~i !T~e. :~~e. ~n~fa,.~ ~::d Cm~f,7::d~~~~~~Y:0~~hlil~~~t~~il~~~~~$:~~~;~,~~i~h~~a~~c:~ ~~/· 311 Canrer- dm& t? htS ddire, d1foo~rnng who ~·;~re Hra.thenilh Idolaters, and who 90 ll' ~~~:f:fi. b~rJ. ~~:;~~de ~e:fur~~d~u:~:t!:~i~~~~r~;h:~'f~o:~1~~: ~~~:~:r his fervice, that were Traitors to God. Contrariwife, MA:ciminUJ was verywicked in ido1atry and cruelty; wh~e GodfiruCk him With a fwelling and Fifiu!a in the belly and fecret parts ; whkl1 putrifying, brake out with fwarms of Lice, with fuch a Hink, that his Phylician could not enaure the fame; w~refore he was f1ai1_1of this Maximin~l· But by anguifh o~his J?ifde, he f1acked P~rfL-cutJon~ as being confc1ou~, and accordingly making oonfeffion d1lt llls~rfecutmghadbroughtthLSuponhim; and fo acknowledginghis offences to God. The Intidels themfelves ext?l the only true God of the Chriftian~ Anon, by the wickeddevtce ofTheoteclmw:m lnchamtr, brmgingthe Chriili:ms ouf of crtdit with the Emperor, and of Pr~feElus Cajlrfr rum, ~ho got Ctrtain Women to fay i11 writing, that once they w~ Chrifhans, and what bfcivious a& they kneW the Chrifii:ms d1d upon the Sundays; the Emperor was incmfed tofetup Decrus of 92 frdb perfmuion, in bra!$, whereby many Bifhops and others wne martyred. Upon this fol!owtd grat F~mine and Pdiilmceon the Hcathm; to whom theChrifiiansthmlbewedgrcatrelief, when the Hcathensforfookcach other. By this fome ptactcame again to 'thtthurch > Maximinus revoking his brazen Decrees., andpunilhing hisEnchantrrsthat incenfedhim againfi theChriilians. Ma;j;;~:;;:s /:i:e~~!n~/~ptr ~: ~td?eo;'/:0"~~~-~mt~r~;P([~ ~:iCa~d~ but intending indeed to flay Conjlantinus •(for Maximian~s would have fain ~tfumed the Empire) was flain by Crmjlamine's Officers. Hlngtd aslome fay. Maxmtius this whiles goes on his ":ickcd tyr.n~nical rdgn, at Romt, murtheringHusbands to be naught wtth their Wtves: fothatone Gentle- 9 3 woman, her Husband being flain, llewherfelfto-avoid his ravifhing of her, 0~d~~~cfs, ~~~~ ~~~hehi!:~~7:f ~;~ a3fr\~~e !!d:t~fir~~ro~~ 94 'JIJur (whichM11nnttus made tointrapanddrownConftantmt) W:lS MaxentiusintrappedanJJr(IWntd. Conjlantit~efetsforthDecn·esoffavourtothcChrillians. li;£:~.~~:.: ~;~~2,;~~~;~~:~J!f~;~, f:~7::t{2 96 .an enemy to learning, calling itpoyfon; andannu:myw hontfl:y, loving all baft vices; fo he an enem~ to C(Jtljlantine (~ttly (plot· tingagainlihisperfon) andtotheChrilhans, bccaufe hefa1dthatthey prayed for C(111ftantine,and not for him. ~nd fo he banifhed fome Chrifliansfrcm his~t, and ascevmly as ~le could, for CQtJjlantine per· ~:~ divers Bilhops and other Chrifhans, vety forely, f01 about fix For thefe things, at tan, Cmftantine and he joyn Battel, and after many &ttels, wherdn flill Licinius was !Xaten, at lail was llain. .Annop4. Cr:mflantius the good Emperor, the Father of CQtJftllntine died a m.tural death, and Diocltfian died (as fome write) by his own poifon. Others fay with fouow ofCmftantim'sprofp::ring. About the time of this Perfecudon was St. .A/ban, who was the firll that I 9s findthatfufferedMartyrdominth~Kingdom. Rmnanus, a ra re Martyr, futfered at thlstime,who faid,that fo many wounds as he had>fo many mouths he had to praife God. Avery youn~ C~ ild _is aConfeffor ofChrifis God-head, and is martyred, the Mothn,reJOycmgm thefame. 99 Menll$, a faipous Martyr,in the midll: of great tormntts> cr;ed out,thatthere \Cas ncxhing to be compared to the Kingdom of Hbvrn. MartyrsputinacoldPondalla Wintnsnight. Thefloryisin\_'trfe. &laha,a fingul arM:utyr, in themidfi of her torment pra.sfeth God. AplaceofP/arim,confutc:d. to~ Great Perferution there was in Ptrjia, where wtre flain fixtem thouf:l.nd 109 Martyrs. ~th;rf;~1fo~~~f~~h~nK~~~~e1f~n~d~haJ~t~J1h~c~i~~~i~rty (thePerf«utors bcing~wvanquifbtd )and_fetsupSch~ls, prcfcnbcs . PrJyers> efiab!ilheth Rel1gion1&c.- in his Empue; confemng many pri- ~ vikdges upon the Clergy. Th"'