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AChr01zology. ?~;;:::;::&:~~:;~~;~~~E.~~;::~:. ~~;.~;~:~;· ThisJvtwasthefirfr Ireadpf, of:~ll the Sa:xm Kmg;, the whichd1d fetforthanyLawsrOhis pcoplc. Next to Ofri}t~l follo.,'...ed Ctlulfus, who was :l very lt3rncd man, and his time nourilhed many learued men; amongwhom was Etda,who ~X'f!ch~f~~~~~~~~;~;d:Zf~~;\~~:~a;ll~~.only to be ra This Bu/a(bccaufe we havt: now mmtioned him) was (as he witnetTt:th in his Hiriory) a Pridt of the Mon31lery of Pt;er and Paul at Wirt, i$~ii~~~;~~;~;~};~~~~~~:~:~!J~?;~g! ~~~~~~hirty (even Vol ~mts, which he dig~lied ~ltO fevemyl Tacu~.. Fo~~::btr:W:fc~d~/,hffaidt~t;~~~;:;:nforc:~'i~~t;r~~: orTatwyn. ~i~ ~~~~ ~~~~~;fd~:~~~~~r:l~b~~~~~v:~~~~:fl~~~i~~~~ all the Latm Church giving h1m the maficry in Judgment and knowNotb~~ ~~go1s:,Z:?ru~a~~v!~~~t~i~~~:·h~~~~o~i:~~~o~ioGOO, and of his neighbour. Thus Btda cominutd to the: age: of fixtr two years. He: tranfbt«l the: Gofpd of St. John into Englijl1. He: madeacomfonableandgodlyend. 0fConf1antinethefixth. SttthefirfigreatVol.pag.686. ~~f;:;:3~·:fn,~·;:~'~~r~~e~11~~\1':~~bld all Funeral Exequies,andlamcntationstobemadeforhim. {it"~u~l~:~of:d:d'dt~'::: ~r~:t3 t~~; ~~~r~~n r~;~d Pre· :~~~ ~i~~nA:,d~h~~r;t~f~;!~?in3~d~~frhi;~~~~:e£~~~i·;~.:h~: peace , vifit yarly the: Pardhes of their Dtocefs : That Prie-'ls ~~u~o~fJ :~or~~d~ ~1i1r~hf~I~r~?fa~; ;c:x~~~~~i~,!;i~~~~d~~ dinances touching Monalleries, Baptilin, the Holy Supper, Prayer, eh. OfUotheFourth, EmptrorofGruu, hefidesthispage, fee P·'47· A Copy of thc:fc: ~rdinancc:s Cuthbtrt_ fends_ to Bonifact Bilhop o 142 Mentz:., an Englijh man, which B~nif•" dt«l a Martyr, as Popiflt fioricstc:rmhim. T! E;~~~1~·~~~h~~i~~ :U7:~~~~~!~g~~~~~~~~ This Boni{Mt being ad~itttd Archbilhop of Mag1111ct hr Pope Grtgary, !~f~~~atooJ::•d'P~·pt;~~~:~~d~;=ni~~~~~~f; · pingofRc:liques,&c. ~;; :t r:t~o~isZ~~:~~~ro~;;t~%.'~:,r~:~~~~k ~;~~ wrought great mafitritS againll t~ Grul:. Emperors, Philipp~cur, and Lto, and othas ; fo_r _th~ maintainmg ~f lma!?es to be fct up m Chur- 't: ~~tt~;~~~h~r£.~;: ~~~~~~:,;~~:~~;j ~eh~~;:,,a11h~ ~=~g~~~~g~~/, t}~~r:Girt;~.~~~~~~a~~:n~n~~ ~;t:~; ~~;~ WhichBooksafrerZacharJhts fi.JccelfortranO:tted uuoLatm. 0 Leo thefourch, U:einAnn.7J5· Al(o by the authority of the faid Arc~bifh?p Bo!1i[ace, which he had recetved from Pope: Z•chary, Chl/dtrtcw Kmg of Frtmu, was de· pofc:dfromthcriphtofhisCrown, andPipinus the betrayer 9fhis Maftc:r, wascontirm«<. From this Btmiface-proceedtd that detrfbblc: Dot'trinc:ngifcrtd in the P?pc:s Dc:cr«S, Dijl. 40. That though the Pope were fo wicked in lum!C-lf, and towards others, that he led innumerable fouls to Hell yet no man ought ~o re~uke him, h:tving power to judg aU men. &n:Jphus fuccecds !lam S1gtbm,defmding hisl.ordlbip firongl}' againll ~h~~~~~f~es~11~~~i:1 ~doning w a Paramour he kept at Mmtm, w Off a._ King of Mtrci• winning vid:ories of tht Kmrij11mm, took fucl1 ~:~~;ruse:.~~~ i:~%b~(~~~~~h(b~ ~·,~; :~::~~~·~lP~ AJnan)tobtbfidJ. Sttpbamu Pred~or, viz. Pope _Zat~aT), gave the: Kit~gdom_ of France to P1p1ntt1, ~cpofing_ CiHIJtrt~; an~ now Pipm grautics 144 ~a~a~f:;;f.'~~1d~~~~~y. ~·~sv:~?:,a~h~ ~1~.~d~~ ~f tt:~:~·a:~i many other great poffellions of /talj-,with all th~: Ciiics thereto ad~ joyning,