Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

{ .. ~ 58 · · .The· tVA.nitie playing over, to rule and ·. / govertle them. . But now : :our thoughts- are them- ·. felves fubjetled to.:~ our af- · _feetions, .and like fuell put'.. , . ' .under thenl, doeoutrnake ' themboile themore. And although - our~ thoughts . doe firft: fl:ir up our feares, · • .joyts , ~ defires, &c. yet . thefe· being ftirred up: . '"' \ ,. · once, ch~t-ine, and fixe,and no}(i .our thougf1t~- tO · thofe objeas, fo as wee cannot loofenthem againo . Thetefore fayes Chrifrto , .his Difciples, why areJON . tfDuhled·· , and why doe · 'thoughts.- arifl in your· ' hearts ?For p.erturbations .. · . in the affections·· caufe ' thoughts like ·fuinc:s and vapoU,rsto afcend . . Thus. 1· • it ll ~::t:::ce .t ~: ~i:a:tL• - ~W _.e_::;::;k::::::::