Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

76 The PREFACE. thereof i11 the 1oth and 1 1 th (bapters (being the /aft tmder that Jirft Pro– phecy ) do then{ore belo>~g 1111to the /aft 1imes, (M hath been. abUJidantly cle– c/,,rcd in that Geueral Scheme gt1>m 111 the ftrft Part); .fi1Jd tndeed, moft of tf;e thiugs i11 the L 1 th (l>apter, do belong to the Times of the Vtals, Chap.t6. M will appear in the Expofition of it. Then agnin, 2. at the beginning of the 6th Verf. Chap. 14. i11 tlJe Book-Prophecy, begins the great CJVftauration of the Gofpel from under Popery, and fo, the Story of t/Je /aft Days ; whic/, u continued along in fuel, tbiugs M Jh,t/1 befal the Chttrch umo the l(trigdom of Cbrift, tvlJlcb begms not wuil Chap. 1 o. Hence tberefore all theje Paffages m tbofe Chapters men– tioned out of bothPropf_,ecies, bei11g p11t togetl>er in tl>eir dt~e place and order, do firly fall in togetf,er, to make t/Je St~:Y o( the Church compleat, from the firft Separation from Popery, tmto Chrtft s lQngdom: and do mdeed take maO that m tf,is 'Book of t!Je Revelanon u fpokm of thefo Ttmes. Whtch there: fore I call aSecond Part 6f the Expofition of this 'Book. A Particular Scheme and Divifion, prefenting, in· their due Order and Succeflion, all the Contents of thofe Chapters which do concern our Times. BEaufe t!Je rigiJt ordering and ranking of the partict~lar Vijions of thh 'Book i11 both Propbecies in their due Times, either of Succefjion after eacb Gther, or ti.eir jjnciJYolii:<;jllg or falling out together at the fame Time, h the chief foy of luterpretation ; therefore M I ga1>e a more general Scl,eme and 'Di1>i[io11 of this 1vho/e 'Book at the firfi, to make way for the Exp9jitio" thereof; Jo I will now premife a particular Scheme oftl>efe CIJapters mmtioned, Jo to make way for the underfianding of the E .. -:pojition thereof alfoFirfl:, Therefore I will Jet togetber the Materials therein contained, accord– ill.!, to that right aud due order, either of jjt~chroni:<;ing each with other, or due Juccefjio>< afrer each other; that if, {hew what Times the fewral Vijions of thoje Cbapters do belong tmto; which of tlmn are, i11 order of Time, before theother, a11d which fall out at the fame Time with other. T/,e full proof of whicb .?v!ethod, and II!J fo ordering them, I [hall i11 part refer)le to the larger Fxpo{ition it felf, which follows. Only 110w take it briefly, for the better. clearing the Expofition. · Two R eprefentations of the Church, from the Separation to the New .Jerujalem. The Church of Chrifl:, from t!Jofe Times of Separati011 tllltQ tbe New Jerufalem, u prejenttd; Either, . •• In the )lariom Conditions which irl it Je!f it jhould YU11 throttgh, an tbe tune untt! thm, m {ewral Ages, both i11 refpe[f; of the ProgreJS of its Sepa– r~tton frtrther and fur:rl;er off from,Rome, and fo, of its encreafe of Light, I urtty,mtd rf\!formatlon ; M ltkewife mrefpe[f; of .Perfemtions andJudgmt1lts "l'Oillt, and it's rJ{eflitution and 'J)di)lerai!Ce again from tmder tbem. ,or elfe; • - . lo Jt