Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

e` deditations. III meafurethey obtaine That,inthatmeafurethey be quiet,though theywant otherthings: but inwhat meafure they doe noefinde that, in thatmeafure are they grieued, though theyabound in outward chinges. When a man isof this minde, when beebath this heart, whenheharp this good will to learne; then among manyother bleflings he Mallbee furo tofinde that which followeth in this verfe: KnowledgeJhallbeeafie tohim that willvnderfland. Therebe two things whereat many men arensuch offended, and whereby they are Contempt of chincofrom that duecare which they oughttohaueofthe word.The firft is becaufe they °t `a ráo- fcethatgreatand wealthie men ofthis world little efteeme it, and tnakelight accountoffcróreedeit. it. ButmenfhouldknowthattheaffeaionsoffuchareforthemofipartweanedfromtIse i wtird ; theirlone is fet upon theirprofit, vpon their pleafure, and vpon fuch other things vvefay the below. Now theminde and heart beingforeftalled, yeaand liircbarged with the liking of richandthe thefe things, theycannot withdefite recense the wordinto their foules : andfeeingrhaç mig¡ÌefCteoerle they ltanelittle likingofit,and leffèwilland defireto learne it,nornarueile thoughit beas vnfauourie fait unto them. The fècond thingwhich feared) and offendethmany, is the hardnesof theword. Oh 2 Wefat it is (fay they) wewould gladly learne indeede, but theword is foobfcureandhard, that in- too hard. deedeit cannotbe learned. See thelhameleflevngratioufneliè offome men,whotocleere PCahn. gq. themfelues, will lay afault vpon the holyand pure word of God. But know thisOman that the word is hard, becaufe thy heart ishard throughfinne. Couetoufneffe,anger,vn- deannes, fecnritie, and fuch like !limes, bane fo beatenand trampledvpon thyheart, that it is euan hardenedthrough the deceitfulneffeoffinne: but repent thee of thy former finne,and Hcbr.342.1 3. putaway themill ofthyworkes, andthen,come tothe wordwitha holyheart, and then thou (halt fee and feelethy vnderftandmginlightened, thy iudgernentreformed, andall thewords ofwifedome plaineand eafievote thee. Ailtinsis confirmed vnto vs by plaine semefecret or anddaily experience: forwhen aman bathbeen buffeted with fomefinne; whenhebath opesfines, yeeldedtoomuch topride, worldlinefie, anger, and fuch like whenhe bath falleninto e` ofe theuord tofeeme Nord !omemilliking' oftheword,orofthepreacher,theninhearinghehèarechnot ,andtheword vnrovs. isa fealed booke visto him. Contrartwife, whenmen doemolt millike themfeluesfor their finnes,when theybe moftgrieued for their dulnes,when they thinke themfelues m oft vn- aptandmof1 vnworthieof knowledge, and yetdelire to findecomfort in the word,'shifh tobeenlightened and led into the true knowledgeof it: then doth the Lord veryoften glue them the deepen infight intohis heauenly myfteries ;then dot) heworke in them a moth comfortable feeling, and thendothhe allòput andfirrevp molt heauenly and holy motions intheir minds. By allthis mutt we learnt many things : firthwhen we hearethe word without fruite, thenwe mutt returne into our feldes, and know that our Cmies are the tauleofblçckithdaineswhich is comevpon vs. Angerbath troubled ouraffetiions, and pleafurebathflollenawayour hearts:profithath corruptedouritedgements : therefore our iudge- mentsdoenot yeeide vntotheword, it cannotenterinto ourhearts, neithercan is worke vpon ouraffeétions. We are then in this cafe tobewaile our finnes, to labour forrepen- tance,toprayfor the fpiritoffanétification, whereby there fumes may be confirmed, and thenreturne vnto theword with prayer, and the Lord will bleffeour vnderthanding. A- gaine, when we fee our iudgements reformed, and our hearts touched, fo that the word a worked] vponouraffeótious, thenwemuff know thatthe goodworkeof Godbath gone before: hismercie hath disburdened vs of theheauieburthen of Chine, hisgoodnesbath emptiedour heartsof vnprofitable thoughts, andhis goodfpiritbath wrought all inall in vs. Then to Phut vp this verfe let vsknow, thatasfinneBoth hinder andholde theword outdour hearts : fodoth the loue of thewordasic'wereopen thedoore ofourheatts,and make a broade and large paliage for the word toenter into vs, and toworke that good workefor which it was fent.It followeth inthenextverfe. Verfy.Depertfromafoolewhen thouperceirsefl not inhim thelips ofknowledge. ¡nOd hath ordainedthat men fhouid hue together, that one mighbe helpfull to.ano- kIther.B..ut there is a nearer bondoffriendlhip,whenone enterer)into league withalso- o ricalfbip. L z ther,