Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

HO 30 eJ`editatìons. itthat noman canaccufe him; no admonition or rebuke cantake holdvpon him, no threatningfearehim : fo thefilly foule thatin flmpletruer' dochconfeflè his finne, is open visto rebukes and holyceniores, his heart lieds naked before theworld, whichdoubtleffc will worke effebhuallyto reclaimehimfrom finne. The fecondthingwhich we mull learnout of thefe words is this : that albeit wetnuft tofprake the fpeake the truth atall times, and in all places: yet muff we be efpecially careful(fo todoe truth intwig, when we becalled as witneffes before the iudgementfeate. For thewhole frate and order 'went. of indgement doth depend vponthe witneffe: fo that thequeftmen, theludgeandall doe proceede either falfely or truly, according as the teftimonie of the witneffeis eitherfalfe ortruc. Laffofall, weWarne that good care mutt be vfed inchufing ofwitneffes fothat we maynottake periured perfons, or common Tiers, no not fiubas doe/often lie, though it be but in lightmatters: but if therebe anyoneman that ofconfcience fpeakéth truth inallthings, he is worthie and fit to be awitneffe. This condemtieth the praaifeof re- ceiuing all indifferently to bewitneffes incourt, and fpecially fuch as be knowne tobe common liers.Thus much for this verfe. roifidome,ased findet' it not: butknowledge iseaf:eforhim thatwil vnderffand. BY theskorner is herement the proude and contemptuousman, whoin the prideofhis Scorner: wit will compaffe any thing; negleéting, yea rontemning thofeholy meanes which "God hathordained. This proud and contemptuous skornerfhalhnot findeknowledge. By knowledge we may vnderftand, not the knowledgeof theletterfloting inthebraine, and flowing cuen at the tongues end (whichindeede is not worthie the name of know- ledge:) but the true vnderltandingof theword taught by the fpirit, which entrcth into the heart,and workethon theaffedtions,frameth toobedience, andaffureth ofeuerlafting life. This indeede is healthfull knowledge, which the skorners though theyfeeke, fhall neuer obtaine. And hereunto dot'ourSauiour Chrift giuewitneffe whenhe faith : Mal True fhallfeeketoenter in, andcanna. Now ifwewould fee thecaufehereof, itis this,theydoe re- ledge,mhere fufetherightand dire& meanswhereby tocome to knowledge, orelfevfe themeanes andhow to with corrupted hearts. Forif they feeke and fearch in the prophase writingsof Heathen finde it. men, orin the corrupted writingsof hellifh heretikes, no marueile ifthey neuer finde this knowledge. For howcan they finde truth in falfehood ? how can they finde thetrue knowledge of Godin thefained deuifesand inuentions of men t Againe,thoughthey caft offallthefe,and cometothe holy word ofGod: yetiftheir hearts benotfound and right; ifthey feekeprofit, preferment, and vainepleafure; doubeleffe they Ihallneuer attaine to this holy knowledge. For fire if theheart becorrupted when they come to ftudie vpon the word, theyfhallbe made worfe andnot better by it. The experience ofthis doewe fee in many, whofeekingand fearchingafter knowledge, either to get linings, or togaine credit, or tofame fuch euill and corrupt end ; theyhaue been'difappoynted oftheir hope, and bane failed ofchat which they fought after. By the example of othersthen let vs be- ware and learne to feeke afterthe knowledge of God and of godlineffe in the written word ofGod, whichonely is abletomake vsgodly. Againe, aboue all thingslet vs take hecdevnto our hearts, that theybevprightand found infeekiny,forit. Nowfor thetrial' hereof, let vs examinewhetherwe feekeknowledge, thatwemight be better able to glo- rifleGod, and toprofit our brethren : let vsexamine whether we feeke Chrift for Chrift; whether inChrift we feekenothingbutChrift : and thisif we can truly fee andfeele even in the cruet' of our hearts,thenour heart is vpright,thenbanewee before vs a ryght end, thendowe rightly feekeGod, and liewhom hehuhfent IefusChrift, mien to the faloati- iriaUofour on ofour foules.. True it is, that theLord mayand cloth often beftowliuings, riches,and hearts whether eachother outwardhelps andbenefitsonhis children : but theydo not chiefly feeke thefe. meprincipaliy They take thereas anhandfull, yeaasan ouerplusof hisfauour: but their heartsare not refftea Gods let vpossthesis. Their loueisfetvpon God and vponhisglorie, andthat theyefpecially la- rrou:eell bourfor thatthe dotoile and ranciabout andthatistheend.ofaltheirlabourq in what ern aEtiens. y r > meafure