Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

etranE/Ar `TO THE CEIRISTIAN READER, CONCERNING THIS LAST EDITION OF all thefe worker. Hereareforareyearespai lfinelfirllpurpofed the.colledionandpublid' flungof all thefeworker . Tw thouhalt (goodreader) animprfon ofall (which hitherto I haue collec7ed) in this forme thou reelt, that foby Godsgoodprouidencethey may thebetter bereferuedao a ho- ly monumentforpofteritie. Concerningwhich, be aduert f d'againe tst ': (good Chriftian) that whereasfome bookesferue well for the in- erea/iofknowledgeindiuine mysteries, in the coups andmeanes offaluation,-yet thou mullremember not torch` herein :for many berich inknowledgewhich beverypoore,ancl barren in obedience, contentedonely to lobeon theend farre off,'andthinking that when lakefilayles they creepe inthe way, tooforward,andmake too much halle tofollow Chrilt. cilnd againe,whereas otherslabour muchand togoodpurpofein booker ofcontro- ueries again}i alltheprofedenemies oftheGofßell:thisfludiealtobath not thelikefruite inallfrtsofpeople, for howfoeuerfume profitmuch, thisway the Church ofGod in the confutationofalltheaduerfariesofthe Goffiell: yet in very many, thefebookes helpe little togodlines, butratherfill theheadsand hearts ofmenwithafpirit ofcontradictionand contention, as our common experiencedaily teacheth vs. Thisgoodferuant ofChi&in all thereworkes,doth notonely teachand informe the winde infundry argumentshandledin this volume,concerning truth anderror,thatfoin judgement wemightreceiue theone and reiell the other : but me principallyref/eeleth bathewhole, toedfe the heartand confci- ence, beingwellaffured , thatthispaitbath mollneedin mollChriftianofdireti/onand confolation: andaswebeinthispart affelled,fòbeweinfbfiance andveritie beforeGod. Forthiscaufehedeireth andlaboureth moll in all there worker; toflirre vp theheart,and to quickenaffellions to embrace truegodline , thatfobeingfrecdfromfin by the bloodof Chr/l,and madetheferuantsof God, wemighthaue ourfruitin bolines, andthe Hcb.9.14; endeternalllife.InthislaiImpreüon Ihaue carefullyreuifidandcorreFtedin the whole R°m6.zs. worke,allthe faults,Whicheither by mineowne private reading,orbythehelpe ofother wingfriends, I couldobferue inwordormatter. HereFreiaftermuchwearinesandrime, weaken, requehiing thy prayers(good Chr f ian Reader) thatnowallthefe holyworks thusknit together, mayferiteto Godsglorie, andtothefurther buildingofthe Churchof GodinourLand. Thine in the Lord Iefus. HIINRCY HOLLAND; 4