Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Tz6 ell ftveet comfort would violentlie and volnntaeilie runne on the enemies pikes : fome would thbow downe themfelucs from high mountames : fome would not flic!<eto flabbe moltmon- ftroùlly their owne bodies with daggers, or fuch like irftruments of death : all which men would feeme to haue great courage in fultaining manyha noes , fo long as their mindeswerenot oilermaftered. But whenthe diuhneand füpremeeffence ( which they acknowledged to beGod ) did byhispower croffe and overturne their wine denifesand head-ftrongattempts, fo as without hopeofremedie they were hampered in penfiueneffe andbrew of minde: thennot being able toturnethemfèlucs under fo heauhc a burthen, they fhrunke downe, and by violent death wouldrid themfelucsof that dilquietnelle and impatienceof their troubledmindes. But let vs come neerer ; and whether weebeholde the Papilhes, or the Familyof loue or the common fore of Cliriftians,wee (hall fee they will paffe quietlythrough many afflictions, whether for that they hauea fpirit of (lumbering andnumneflè caftvpon . them,or whetherbecaufe they hauebrawned themfelucs through fame fènceleffe bleckifh_ Tápi/tsdif- neffe, asmenheavenoutofhardcakes, orgraueroutofmarble !tonesIknownot :But quieted ,a yet whenthe Lord Ihall let loolethe coardoftheir confciences , and utah let before their mrndc.- facestheir finnescommitted; feewhat fearefnllendes they haue,whileft Shineof themby hanging themfelues , (rimeby caftingtliemfelucs inep the'water , tome by cutting their owne throates, haue.ridde themfelnes outof thefe intolerable.griefes. Nowwherein is the difference that fome die fo fenfelellie, and fòine difpatch themfelucs fo the onefeeling nofinne, depart likebrutifh Swine ; the other furcharged with fin, die likebarkingdogges. Bisti t vs come to the childrenof God, who bane in fome degree felt this wound of minde ; and it Will appeare both in themembersand in the head, of all kitchens, tobe a thingmolt intollerabletofuftaineawounded confcience, And to begin, let dsfetinthe tuba firft ranke¡ob,thatmanof God commended voto vs by the holy Ghent for a myrrour ofpatience ; who although for his riches heewasthe wealthieft man in the land of Huz;. for his anthoritie, might hauemade afraide a greatmultitude 5 and for hisfobftance,was thegreateftof all themen. in theFait.:yet when the Sabeans came viölently andCookea- wayhiscattell; when thefire of God fallingfrom heauen,burnt vp his füeepe and his fcr- wants ; when the Chaldeanshad taken away his Camels;when agreat windeEmotedown his houle vpon hischildren, although indeed he rent hisgannencs, which wasnot Ib much for avpatiencie, as eo (hewdialler was not'fenceleffe in thefe euìls: yet it is laid tliathee worfhipping, bleffed the nameof theLord,fhying: Nukedcamelout of mymothers rsombe, and nakedfissi! 'rename thither : The Lordgiueth, and the Lord talieth away, bleffed hethe nameofriseLord. Butbehold, whenat the strangeConference of his comfortleflèfriends, hisminde began to beagaft, whichwasnot (o inallIns former triall , whenhis confcience began tobetroubled, whenhefawthe Lord faften in him f carpe arrowes, andtolethim vp as aButte toihoote at ; when licethought God caufed him topolfclle the finnes of his youth: thisglorious patterne of patience couldnot beam hisgriefe ; he was beanie , 'and nauid, nowmay commend tise lissage of a wounded fpsrit, toall that couse, after. DauidaMan Eteitiab. ' chufenaccordingto theLordsownc heart; Exekialsa pure worfhipper.of God,andcare- Icremidz full ret'toeerof truereligion :Ieremiah, thePrephetof the Lorde,lanétifiedand ordained to that office beforeheewas formed inhismothers wombe, were race and fingularin.the gracesandfauonr ofGod : yet when they felt thiswound, pearcing -.them Withgriefeof heart, they were asSparrowes mourning, asCranes chattering , asPeIltcanes caning Out fearefull cries,they thoughtthemfelues,as in thegraue,theywïfhed tóhaue dwelt folitaiy, theywereas bottelsparched in the finoake,they wereas Douesmourning, not able with- out fighes andgroanesto vttertheir words,theirheartsclawto thedult,and theirtongues tothe mofe of their mouthes. But abone all (if tliefewerenot fufñcienrtoperfwade vs in this cfatrine) there remai- neth oneexample, whom we affirme to be the perfeét anatomie ofanafflibted minde. Chrifi tefus,an This is the Lord and Saviour Iefus Chritt,the image of the Father, thedeadof thebody, example molt themyrrour ofallgfaces, the wiCdome,nghteoufnelhè,holines,and redemptionof all the Saints,