Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

164. ei Ireatil of-the Sahhoth. fleflt,which is now ceafed ; the other a feuleof repentance and faith : and fo it isuntovsre- Stom ,t, utaìninga token of imitacion,though not in the faule mannerof adminiltration that is ht circumcifion,yet in thefamematterto that eff&,to wit, in Baptifinc : fo like vilethe Sab. both baningtwoends, the one morali, the other ceremonial!. As it was ceremonial' and was gineu to the lewes,astheywere letves,it was properto the lcwcs ; but as it wasmoral!, notgin en tothe lewesalone,but to our firft fathers beforethe Iewes, and tothe Gentiles after theIewes,itremained: no lellè to allmen,after the le.ves ceafed tobe a peculiar peo- ple,titen the comtnmgtogether to one place lothyet appertaine unto vs. For although in that the Iervs came together to oneplace , as it reprelented the Church of God , it is ta- kenaway, becaufe God is pi-el-cot with vs in all places: yet as they had its() eftabhfh than in their worship, and we need asneccflirie helps for religion as tuer theyneeded, the fame remaineth with vs. Now, ifthe Sabboth were but a figneof fptrituall rat, as force bane The Sahhoth phántafticallythougbt,andnor ratiseranholy Iclsooleto tracTs vstlseworihip ofGod, we notalg?ren- would grant it ceremonial': but leeiug this is according to the firltinititr .tion, and that lyoJ¡],,,aruad[ ceremonybut in time, and fora time, was added veto it,though we halenot their day,vet refi,cr Jùmr we hastea rating da as though we !sane not theirfeales, yet we have feales and though wouldhoneit. a S't a Y' , "' S theaced:Irie begone and ended with them, yet the principali continneth to vs, and re- inainetli after them.Wherefore we conclude this firlt realirr, that as theSabboth is moral', we nmlt keepe it in trueth,though inweakenes,knowing that the rigour of the Iaw being gone with thecurie and ceremonie, we haue a promife to liaise ourweakenes and defers herein forgivenvs inChrilt, as webattens all otherthings. The faced Nowlet vs cometo the fecond reafon, drawne (as we 'lane fTtewed) from the equitie of reafon drawee the lawe,and contained in thefe words: Sixe dayesfhalt thou labour, andeloe all thy irarkg but fremtheequi. thefeuenth day,&c.This appearethtobenoh aidlaw,norburthenfome, but calk,and Inch tieof the tay. a one asall may yecld onto it. For feeiugthe Lord 'lath givenvs fixe dayes for our calling, then let vs not thinke it ltrange or Itreight,that he bath relèruedand taken vp the feaenth dayto himfelfe: who,if he had commanded one day toworke,and anotherto be bellowed in his worfhip, forthe gloriousprofeflìon ofhisnatne, might Malyhale challenged it. Lord This reafon then is filch, that for rttftice and equitie cannot but prouoke our obedience, If the rd d and moreforcibly cbargeth vs,ifevebe difobedrent, Thiskinde of argumentis s ilsall in the dáerforour bookeofGod, asGenel. 3.z, 3. whereour mother Esseframetb this reafonto the Serpent e>dinarie very well,had (he flood to is : We cute of thefrseite of the treesof thegarden: but of thefruite raorhe,geod of thetree,rehich it in themiddeft of the earden,God loathfind,refitall noteate ofit,&e.Where- renfb.6" there in as Ilse cotnmendeth themet-etc of God in gitiing them to largely thevfe of ail thetrees, he may excepted onely one :fofrom the law ofe uitiecexaggeratecbtheirfiune, if hailing fo wealthfix his bounufull an vie ofmany trees lawful], they Mould eatecf!heonetreetbatwasforbid- ferúcce. But den. The famerealbn alleageth fofeph to retiraine hismittrellè of herlewd and lothfonte hepermitsys turpofe,Genefts 69.8,9. Behold,faith he, mymasderknowethnotwhathehad ,inthebonfeoak f cedgyes : line but hache turnetedall that hehash tomine hand. There isnomangreater in his houfe Prgtyie,s rght meg,ue him neither bathhe kept any thing inhis houfe, but onlytbee,becaufe thou lire bis.mife: hors then çanC thefr,aenth, do this reatmickedneffe,&c. In whichplace as he on theone fide commended) his maítea li- beraliise fo on the other fidehe fheweth howhis fimse ¡h mild citen by the rule of ionice be more hainous and horrible, if not contentinghimfelfe with his matters curtefie, be fhoúld intrude himfelfe into his omise poIlèf icon. Agáine, frouaJfer1çe,7ob reproucch his wife, and -0tewethdter blalíhemie, Iob, y - i o. Thou f eakeft (laid ¡ob) likea fooli/5 woman: what? fhall see receive good at thehandof God, andnot receive aid? Thus by the tquareof rightcoulneffè the than of Godproucthher offence to be the greater, in that hauutg recei- Lied tomany bleflings,fhe couldnot away once to taste of the croffe. Out of the mooches of thefe two ordsree witneffes we may gather, how hainous ancurl' it is, that not conten- ting our feiues with the large meafare offixe dales tratarle, we fhould be fo bold, as ro to uadc the Lord his feuenrh dayrefcrued for hímfelfe. Thus we let how theLord graunteth vsfixe dayes for our bodies, and the fenenthday for our foules: riot that rar muttthinke, that other dales are to be separated from thisyfe, butthat thisday mutt be wholy feucred fromother forthat ode, For ifit werepotTtble, or could