Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

e11 treatifi oftbeSabboth. 183 efanother. 9.Thereremäineth thereforeaPell to thepeople ofGod. TO.Far hee thatis entred into bureft,hath alto ceafedfromhisowne worker, as Goddidfromhis. r r Let vsftudie therefore to enter intothat reft,lraftany manfallafter thefame exampleofdifbedience.Behold,fáychey,the Sabbothwhich Chrtllians mull oblerue,is to tell from finne. Ianl'were,this is not proued: Forthis was as well to the Iewes,asitistothe Chriaians. For it isfaid,Pfa1.9S.Today,ifye willhearehisvoyce,8.Hardennotyourheart,&c. This the Prophet wrote after Calebmidi,- Arta had enrred into Canaan, whither though manyentred not,yet fainentred : fo that they hadmien that relt ehen,aswell as wehaue now. Wherfore it slothnot follow,becaufe the tellingFrom finne is alto enioyned to the Civilians as a pure vieof the Sabboth,they- fore it taketh away theocher. Againe, thereaing ofGod fromhis workes, cannot bea fi= gore ofrelling fromfinne,no more thenGod hisworkes canbe a figure of fnfull workes. Nowfeeing the Lord herevfethan argument ofproportion betvveene hisworkes, and our workes,lus ceafing from hisworks,and our ceafing fromour works,bccaufebecweene the figure and the thing figured,mull bee fomeproportronand refemblance,I prayyou 'A' 4 bat proportion is there betweeneGodhis workesand our fins ; what analogic betwixt God his reaing from his works,and ourtelling from fin ? Againe,that it cannot behere meant ofthe refsfrom fin, it is manifeft,becaufe that whichis herefpoken, is fecdowne toAdam, Genef.z.a . atwbat estoc there was no finnein the world, and therefore no ratingfront finne, and thereforeuto figureof rertingfrom thine, becaufe allthe learned herein agree, that there were ncfigures beforefinne. Befides,and fourthly theApoltic(heweth,that this tell' isméantof thekrngdotne ofheauen. ForasDauid fpakethis ofthe land of Canaan, fo the Apoflefpeaketh itof the kingdomeofheauen. Whereforehe concludedhy Let vsfèudy therfore toenterinto thatreft,where weThal not onlyLeft from fn,b urfrom all our ordinary worksofour callings,where Thal neither beeating,nor drinking,nor marying,nor gluing inmariage.And as thepeoplebefore were threatnedi,that for their vnbeleefeand rid-obe- dience theyflrouldnot enter into theland ofCanaan; foweearehere threatned,that vá- leflé weludicand ftriueagain(l there things,weIhall not enterinto the kingdome of hea- urn. Idowbeit,although the Sabbothwas nota figúre,vnto Adamof reaingfrom fin, yet itwasveto him a figne,that he íhould come to the kingdomeofGcd, where ihould nei- ther be eating,nordnnking,nor marying: all which feeingAdamhad, it is manifelt- that hewas not in the kingdome ofGod asyet. The Sabboth then didput him in mind,rhat Ile Mould notalwaies beworking, but that lieMould betranllated, though not dye : (for al thoughhee was created-in innocencie, yet notfree from being tranllated to a better place atGod his good time) but,as the Apofflefaith, lie íhould hauebin changed as were Enoch andEliah,thoughafter a More excellentmanner, We Wile nowthe Lords day, which af- furetb vs,that asnow by faith and hopewee enioy thelife tocome : fo hereafter theretwo ceafng,wee (hall more folly and perfeótlyenjoy thefame : and as ourSacramentspurely vfed,lhew a thing not tocome,but alreadie pal , fo this day truly kept, is a refemblance -ofa thing not paft,but to come. For as-on this day from themorning to eueningwegrail God,ifwe keep the day holy,and yetwithdrawne &interrupted withmany by-thoughts, and fecret diltracaions : fo in heauen beingfreed from worldly, carnall,fearefull,and ma- nifold affebtions and troubles,weThal morecontinually prailè the Lord.What is then the alludingof this word heft? Thisit is. As God relied from his works,aftcr he had made the r world : to we mullrealmour workes. Whatfrom the workes oflìn? no,from theworks ofour callings,and confequently from the works offinne muchmore. Sotheanalogic be- ttvixtthe Lordhis tell and ours, teacheth vsthat we mutt refi fromOurordinarie.workes, -andthis teaputtethvsinwindeofthat continualSabboth,whereinwhenweeceafefrom .,4Sabbott¡to working;eating, drinking, Ileeping, marying,and allfuch workes, aswe-are fcrbieétvino beam. with corruption : thenallò !hallweevndoubtedly.reafe from finne,which kindeofreftin fulnes wemilt notTooke for in this life. This is a generall rule inDiuinitie to be obferued, that ofone place of Scripture there is ,4generallrula butone natural! andproperfenfe :although by confyuence,fearching outthecontraries,the.çau- concerning fes,theeffeEtgandflchIke otherthingsmaybealfogatheredoutof it.Itthewords be more pro. scripture, per and naturall, the foie is more proper aridnatural: if the words be borowedand R Z anetapho..