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90 Mr. NEAL's IId VOL Qf the of his Government, put on an Air ofhigh Sovereignty; and told his Parliament, that if they would not pro- vide for the Necefties ofthe Slate, heAmid ufeother Means, which God had put into his hands, to fave that, which the Follies of other Men would hazard. Take not this, fays his Majefly [Rufhworth, p. 476.] as a 1hreatning, for Ilam to threaten my Inferiors, [any but my Equals, Ru,Jhworth ;] but as an Admo- nition from him, who by Nature and Duty, has molt Care of your Prefrvation, and Profperity. Then follows in Rufhworth, (what is omitted by Mr. Neal*,) ' And tho' I thus (peak, I hope your Demeanours at this time will be fuch, as Ihall not only make me approve ofyour former Coun- fels, but lay on me fuch Obligations, as (hall tie me by 'way ofThankfillnefs to meet often with you : For be affured, that nothing can be more pleafing unto me, than to keep a good Correfpon- dence with you. You may imagine that I came here, with a Doubt of Succefs of what I delire, . remembring the DiftraLtions of the laic Meeting. ' But I affure you, that I thall very eafily and gladly forget, and forgive what is part, fo that you will at this prefent time leave the former ways of Diftrac`.tions, and follow the Counfel late given you, to maintain the Unity of the Spirit, in the Bona of Peace.' Mr. Neal, p. 182. has given us a Letter from a Jefuit in England, to the Rector of the College at Bruj els, and makes this Remark upon it, p.184, It, appears from this Letter, that Puritanifm was the only Bulwark of the Conftitution, andof theProtefant. Religion, againft the Inroads of Popery and Arbitrary Power. Whence does this appear? Not from thofe. Words in the fame Letter, which thew that the ' Rufhworth, vol. I. p. 477. Puri-