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I O2 Mr. NE A L'S IId Vol. of the cifed the Church of Chr :] We will, that. all [further] curious Search into thefe Things be laid afide, and thefe Difputes be fhut up in God's Pro- ` mifes, as they begenerally fet forth to us in [the] sc Holy Scriptures ; and the general Meaning ofthe " Articles [of the Church of England] according to s them: or that noManhereafter ['halleither] preach or print [print or preach] lo draw the Article it- fide any way, but (hall fubmit to it, in the plain " andfull Meaning thereof; and (hall not put his " own Senfe or Comment to [be] the Meaning of the " Article, but /hall take it in the Literal and Gram- " matical Senfe : That if any publick Reader in the " [either of our] Univerfities, or any other Perfon [refpe&ively in either of them] (hall affix any " new Sere to any Article, or 'hall publickly read [determine] or hold [any pùblick] Difputation on " eitherfide; [orfuffer any fuch tobe held either way, Ct in either of the Univerfities, or Colleges refpec- " tively) or if any Divine in the Univerfities (hall preach or print any thing either way, [other than is ' already ef}ablifh'd in Convocation with our Royal " Affent ; he, or they the Offenders fhall be liable " to our Difpleafure, and the Church's Cenfure in " our Commiffion Ecclefiaftical, as well as any " other ;] they (hall be liable to Cenfure in the Ecc'e- " faaßical Commigon, and we will fee there 'hall be " due Execution upon them." Neal, p. 189. Surely there was neverfuch a con- fufed, unintelligible Declaration printed. Softer Words (in my Opinion) would have much better becomeour Hiftorian in this Place, who firft curtails and alters the Senfe of this Declaration; and then charges it withBlunders, which are of his own making. He may find it well defended by Mr. Bingham in his French Church's Apology for the Church of England, p. 95. Neal,