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Hi f7ory ofthe Puritans, e, amin'd. xis " come to a better Underftanding of us and them- ' felves.l Neal, p. 204. The ancient legal Government of England, by King, Lords, and Commons, being now fufpended by the Royal Will and Pleafure, His Ma- jelly relayed to fupply the Nece sties of his Govern- ment by fuch other Methods as his Council fhould ad- vile, &c. In'leadofthe Laws of the Land, all publick, 4lairs were directed by Proclamations of the Kingand Council. They colleSed the Duties of Tonnage and Poundage, without "Id of Parliament ; the number of Monopolies were incredible, there was no Branch of the Subjells Property that the Government could difpofe of, but was bought and fold. They railed above a Million a Year, by the Impofts upon Soap, Candles, Wine, Cards, &c. And, p. 205. he concludes his calamitous Account thus ; Such was the Calamity of the Times, that no Man could call any thing his own, longer than the King pleated. I hope (as he gives us no Authority but his own) that all this is not true ; nay, we have great rea- fon to believe the contrary, from Lord Clarendon's Account, mentioned afterwards by Mr. Neal, p. 308. And Lord Clarendon lived in thofe Times, and, I think, muff be a morecompetent Judge than Mr. Neal. * ' Now, after all this, fays he, (and I hope I cannot be accufed of much Flattery in ' this Inquifition) I mutt be fo juif as to fay, That during the whole Time that thefe Preílures were ' exercifed, and thofe new and extraordinary Ways were run ; that is, from the Diffolution of the Parliament in the fourth Year, to the beginning ' of this Parliamer,2, which is above twelve Years ; ' this Kingdom,and all His Majefty's Dominions (of the Interruption in Scotland, fomewhat shall be faid ' in its due time and place) enjoy'd thegreateft Calm and fulleft Meafure of Felicity, that any People, ` Iliftory, _Vol. I. p. 58. I 2 c