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fßÿ a 26 Mr. N É A L 's IF VOL of the lock down a Quarry or t' vo in a quiet and peaceably manner. * ' Sherfaeld (lays Heylin) being Recorder, and thinking. he had the Law in his Hands, as well as he had in his Head, mutt go another way to work, and bring the Bufinefs to be agitated in a Parifh Veftry. The Elders of the Veftry being as willing to embrace the Bufinefs, as he was to commen 4 it to them, enabled him at the next Church Sel lion, in the Month ofJanuary 1629, to cafe his '` Con fcience of that Burden, by taking down the offenfive Window, and fetting up another of plain white Glans it the place thereof: and yet this give him no Content, unlefs he might Phew a more than ordinary Zeal in defacing thofe Ima- ges, which he was ordered to take down and did accordingly deface them, beating down the Pictures with his Staff, in fuch a violent and fcan- dalous way, as was difi.elilhed by molt moderate Men ofhis own Perfuafion.' And Pryn owns, } ' That he did, with his Staff, break or pick out force of thofe Pieces of Glafs reprefenting God the Father.' But, as an Allevia- tion of the Crime, he adds; 4 Which amounted not to above the Value of Sixpence, the whole Glans-Window not being worth above Forty Shil- K lings, when it Was new.' Neal, p. 240. 1' he King left his native Country July ; but loft a great deal of ground in the .41. fusions of his People, by the Contempt he pour'd upon the Scots Clergy, and his Behaviour in favour of the Englilli Ceremonies. Lord Clarendon's Account of the King's Recep- tion in Scotland, differs widely from this of Mr. Neal : The great Civility (fays he) of that Cyprianus Artglir_us, p. z16. Pryn's Canterbury's Doom, p. toa. it i itory of ttze [Zebel;ion, VQl. I. F: 64. 2 People,