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4 Mr. N E A L'S Ild Vol. of the become Mr. Neal, muff be left to himfelf, upon a more ferious Confideration, to judge. Tho' Accuracy and ExaLtnefs in Hiftory is not every Man's Talent, yet even when that is wanting, wemight reafonably expeít Truth and fair Dealing from an Author, who more than once, makes fuch large Pretences to Impartiality. If to difguife or colour over Fads, which, under a fair Reprefentation, would not bear the Tell ; if to warp, curtail, or mangle Authorities, to pick out ofan Author what he likes, tho' never fo flen- derly fupported, and omit taking notice even in that fame Author, ofwhat makes againft him ; if to dwell upon invidious Circumftances in the Cha- racter of an Adverfary, and to pafs over thofe that are favourable withSilence and Neglect ; be Marks, and Chara&erifticks of a Partial Hiflorian ; I de- clare, I know no IIlorian more Partial than Mr, Neal, as I hope to convince the Reader, from a fair State of his Fans, and thofe fewRemarks and Ob- fervations, I (hall make upon them. His firft Attempt is to prove King dames to have been a Puritan before his Accefl'ion to the Englifh" Throne. Is it probable, that this King, after fuch a Series of barbarous and inhumane IIfage from his .Scottifr Subjects ofthat Perfuafion, thould ever have been a Favourer of their Church Government, and Difcipline ? Could Treafon and Rebellion be pro- per Methods of reconciling him to a Kirk, the lea- ding Members of which had given him but too many Proofs of their Inclination to both. The ill Cfage of his Mother, Mary Queen of Scots, no one can be ignorant of, who is the leaft converfant with the Scotch IIiftorians of thofe Times. And their ufùal Treatment of himfelf, and his Friends was fo abominable, that when Mr. Neal comes once to be acquainted with it, I fhould imagine, that even he wouldnot undertakc to juftify it. In