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Iiftory P, f the Puritans, examin'd. 155 Neal, p. 274. In the 14rchbiflhop',s Metropolitical Vifitation this Summer, Mr. Lee, one ofthe Prebenda- ries of Litchfield, was fufpended for Churching re- frat try Women in private. And can Mr. Neal be fo weak, as to think this an infufficient Caufe of Sufpenfion.? The Rubricks are the Law of the Church ; and * are well known to be part of the Statute-Law of the Land; having been confirm'd in Parliament, by the feveral Ads ofUniformity, in the Reigns of King Edward VI. Qáeen Elizabeth, and King Charles II.' And it is order'd, in the Rubrick be- fore the Office for Churching of Women, in King ames's Review, ' That the Woman fhall come into the Church, and there fhall kneel down in fome convenient Place, nigh unto the Place, where the Table ffandeth ; and the Prieft ftand- ing by her, fhall fay thefe Words, or fuch like, as theCafe fhall require.' Neal, p. 276. A Proclamation was publifh'd, July 21. forbidding all Perfons, except Soldiers, Ma- riners, Merchants, and their Favors, to depart the Kingdom, without his Mojefly's Licence, But not- withjlanding this Prohibition, many got over into New England this Summer. This was not an Offence againft the Proclama- tion; the Words of which follow -f- ' The King doth command and forbid all his Subjects, that they, nor any of them, other than Soldiers, Ma- ' riners, Merchants, and their Factors, and yip- ' prentic: s, at any Time, without the King's Li- ' cence, or of Six of the Privy - Council, depart out of the Kingdom, or any of the King's Domi- ' nions, into the Kingdom or Country of any Fo- ' reign Prince, State, or Potentate.' * Preface to Bilbop Gibfan's Codex Juris Ecclefiaffici Angli- eani, p. to. Rymer's Fcedera, continued by Sanderfin, Vol. XIX. p. 60. Rufhworth, Part II. p. 2.98. Neal,