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HJ3ory of the Puritans, exarnin'd. 53 Complaint made amongft you of a Book written by Dr. Cowel was part of the Occafion of this In- cident. But as touching my Cenlure of that Book, ' I made it already to be delivered unto you by the Treafurer here fitting, which he did out of my own DireEions and Notes ; and what he faid in my Name, that he lead direEtly from me : but ' what he fpake of himfelf therein, without my Di- ' re6tion, I Ihall always make good : for you may 4 be fure, I will be loth to make fo honeft a Man a Lyar, or deceive your Expe&ations ; within very few Days my Edict fhail come forth, anent ' that Matter, which (hall fully difcover my mean- ing. There was'never any Reafon to move Men to think, that I could like of finch Grounds : for 6 there are two Qialities principally, or rather Pri- vations, that make Kings fubjeCt toFlattery, Cre- dulity and Ignorance, yet I hope none of them can S. be ebjeEted to me.' Dr. Cowel indeed, in his fate preter, carries the Prerogative of Kings very high, fbr which he pro- duces his Authorities. But after all the Search I have been able to make, I cannot find there Peti- tions, That the King is not obliged to call Parliaments, to make Laws, but may do it without them ; or, That 'tis a great Favour, to admit the Confent of the Subjef, togive Subfidies. His Book gave great Offence, but it was chiefly to the common Lawyers, who were jealous of a Civilian, and apprehenfive of the Civil Law's prevailing,and gaining toomuchground from Scotland, as the King in his Speech obferved. Neal, Ibid. The other was compiled by Dr. Black- wood a Clergyman, who maintain'd the Englifh were Slaves fence the Norman Conquefl. * This Book ofBlackwood's, which (I fuppofe he * 4dverfus Georgii Buchanani Dialogum, De jure Regni spud Scotus, pro Regibus Apologia, per AdamumBiacvodeùrn Senatorem apud Pidavos. Pitlavis apud Francifcurn Paga:um Tpograp.sssm Regibm, cum privilegio Regis ad decennium i 08. penes me. 3 refers