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88 Two parts. z. Saints per - fation. i. Chrifts ex- altation. John ii.44. John 9. s Kings 5. Gen. 41. r43 4z a Cì or.. 5. r 7. Note. vfe . Gen. 3. FulneJfe of the faithfull. needless ceremonies ; from feeking perfe&ion or fulnefle in fueh empty lamps, broken cifternes, and barren trees ; con. fìdering they have perfe&ion neerer home,and in thentfelves being in ChrifF, members of Chrift,incorporate into Chriff, in whom is all fulnefs, they need not Tooke elfe -where for perfe&ion,£or they are compleat in him. In the words we have two things in the generall. I. The Saints perfe &ion, andyee are compleat in bum. 2. Chrifts exal- tation, which is the bead of all principality and power. Firft, of the Saints perfe &ion, and ye are compleat in him. Wherein we may take notice, firft, of the fubje &yee, not all, but }ce : Ye who are effectually called from the death of finite to the life of grace ; as Chrift called Lazarus from the death of the grave, to the life of nature : Yee that are favin gly enlight- ned, as the eyes of him that was borne blinde were opened Yee that are fpiritually purged and cicnfed from finne, as Naaman was wafhed from his Lcprofie in Jordan : Yec that have put offthe old man, and put on the new, as Jofeph had his prifon garments taken offand veflures of fine liniten put upon hirrt,and a golden chain about his neck;ye from whom all old things are put away, andato whom all things are. be- come new ;ye are compleat in him. Such alone as are truely holy aril gracious, are compleat and per felt in Chriff Je fus. Such alone are living branches in this vine, a fpirituall Bride to this Husband, endowed with Gods image, interefted in Gods promife, fèparated from worldly vanities,and.the power of uncleannefs, clothed with Chrifts righteoufnefs,and filled with Chrifis fulnefs. Prophane and carnalI people are farre from all fpirituall perfe &ion, as the dead are farre from life, the blinde farre from eye - light, and bondrnen farre from freedome. Unre- generate and ungracious perlons have no laving knowledge of Chrih Jefus, no participation of his fulneffe, no interefl in his benefits,no tafle of the fweetnefs of his mercies.Chrift to them is a hidden Manna whom they tafle not,an eclipfed Sunne whom they fee not, a Pealed Well of whom they drinke not, like the Tree of Life to Adam expelled out of the garden of Ehen ; one to whom they come not, of whole fruit