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sslneffè of Beleeverr. 89 fruit they feed not. Reigning prophaneneli'e deprives the foule of all. benefits and comforts of the Lord Jefus. j Such alone as are truly, gracious, are filled with Chrifts fulnefs, difcerne Chrifts excellencies, and are refreíhed with the fweetnefs of his mercies : They alone that live to Chrift enjoy Chrift, and are madeperfe& by Chrift, and have the promife of eternal' life in and through Chrift. O Chrift (faith Bernard,) he is plainly worthy of death who refufeth to live to thee ; and be that is not wife for thee, is fooli(h : and he that cares to be, unlefs for thee,goes for nothing,and is nothing. O God (faith he) thou haft made all things for thy felfe, and he that will be for himfelfe, and not for thee, begins in the midit of all things, to be nothing. Without Chrift mans greateft fulnefs is nothing elfe but emptinefs : he that feekes himfelfe, and not Chrift, lofeth both himfelf,. and Chrift : he that Drives without Chrift to be happy, in- volves himfelfe in the fnare, and cabs himfelfe into the galle of the greateft mifery. To Iive to the Lord Jefiis in true ho- lineffe, is the onely way to everlafting happinefs : He that. for Chrift can make himfelfe nothing, (hall. in Chrift finde the perfe&ion of all things :Labour then -to be of their num- ber who are truly holy and gracious, that you may corn- pleat and perfeEt in Chrift Jefus. Secondly, here is the benefit,cornpleat, full, entyre,perfe& ; compleat in the imputation of Chrifts righteoufneffe, in the inchoation of all Paving gifts and graces, in title to allGods promifes, in the acceptation of their perlons and Cervices in and for Chrift, Chrift being theBeloved in -whom they are accepted. And hence we learn, that There is a jjirituall and heavenly perfeiïion and fulneffe in Gods faithfull fervants : a fulnefs of intimation,' but not of con] ùmmna. tion ; as there is a fulnefs of -light begun in the ayre in the dawning of the day a fulnefs of parts, but not of degrees, as there is a fulnefs of members in an Infant as well as in a Man in refpe& of parts, though not in refpe& of full growth ; a : fulnefs of truth and uprightnefs, though not of abfolute- nefs : The leaft dram of Gold, and drop ofwater,is as trti ly.Gold and water, as all the gold in the Kings Treafure, N or Vfe.2. n:gnru plani e(t morte qui t ba Chrifte re cufet vivere, cr qui t bt nod tapit defipit ; qui carat effe,nifi r opter e, pro nibillo e(t,c'r nibtl efi, propter ;teip- rum : Deus,fe- ci(la omnia, é qui eyJe volt (àbt & non tibi, niL -al :e/Jé inci- ptt aster empia Ephef. i:ßo I)oar. S^its of per- káion.