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90 Phil.; . r z. t Sam. t.33. Pirl. S4 7. Ex©d. II. z Cör .7. Exod.z5.3 37 3.f2.1 Pfad:7z. a. H ap pine of Be le e v e rs°. or all the water in the deepe Sea : a fu lnefï'e in refpeet of intention, though not of acqui fi tion ; they fet perfe&ion as a marke before them, they ref: to it, though they have not yet fully attained : a fnlneífe of duration, though not of frui- tion ; thty doe not faile and fall, like Ha;ael,by the way,but like good travellers, they goe from ftrength to f rength until! they appease before the Lord in Sion, though they doe not yet enjoy the end oftheir calling : a fulneffe in refpeee of exten- tion , they mortifie all lulls, they depart from every evill way, they allow themfelves in no fanne, though they cannot wholly abolilh any finne ; they have an eye to all Gods precepts, and walke in all Gods ordinances, though they limpe and halt a little, as Jacob did in his travell, after he had obtained the blef3'ing. This p:rfe&ion and fulneífe of Gods Saints and Servants was fhadowed in the Arke, as it was a type of the Chnrch ; the Arke had a crowne of gold a- bout it ; the Church, the faithfull fervants of the Lord, are crowned with divers gifts and graces here, and fhallbe with the crowne of glory hereafter : The Arke had foure pro- portionable dimentions, the faithfull fervants of Chrift have the depth of faith, the height of hope, the latitude of charity, and the longitude of perfeverance, abounding (as the Apofile faith) its every thing, in faith, in utterance, in knowledge, in all diligence and love : The Candleflick in the San&nary had feven lamps, and many branches, adorned with bowies, !drops and flowers ;the Church and faithfull fervants of God, are replenifhed with fulneffe of divine and heavenly light, and beautified with the gracious workes of the Spirit ; this was Prophefied, The earth, the faithfull people of God on earth, fball be full of the knowledge of the Lord ; as the waters cover the Sea, abundantly replenifhed with all the gifts of God ; and this the Lord fignified by the mouth. of the Pfal- miff, faying, There (ball be an handful! of corne in the egrth,on the top of the mountains, the fruit thereof fbai (bake like Lebanon and flourifb like the gra fe of the earth : A .Prophetic of the plenti- full Preaching of the Gofpell, abundant communication of divine and laving gifts to men, a Iarge encreafe of the num ber of beleevers,and fweet confolations arifing in the foules of