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18 Amos 8.;. Num. I z. 5,7 7. Ira i.s, lames 4.9,ío, Lama. Dan.9. E zra,z o. z, Vfe 2. Caufes of Hsiiation. length of the Sabbaths ? How untoothfome .to many pçr- foes is the do &rive of the Gofpel ? it is become like the Mo- na to Ifrael, a light bread, they fiad no relifh in it : Gods Ordinances are to many, as Sauls armour unto David, they cannot walk in them. Seventhly, what reformation have the punilhments infli- &ed on us wrought ? Have we come forth of thefe as gold out of the fire 4 Naaman out of Jordan ? Nay, may not the Lord fay of many of us as he did of Ifrael, 7 bey revolt more and more ? What effe& have the punifhments infli &ed on other Nations taken in us ? Have we feared by the fight of their ftrokes ? Have we learned to beware by their harenes ? Are we not {till fecure ? tread we not the fame path ? run we not our wonted race ? hath not the Lord loft his labour in regard of any reformation on the behalfe of the greateft number ofpeople ? O let us think on thefe things, lay them to our hearts, be affe&ed with them, turne our laughter into mourning, hunsisle our felves in the fight of the Lord : Humble your felves, and mourne inwardly in your foules by grieving, as the Church did, Lament. i. Humble your felves outwardly, by unfained confeffon of the finnes of your ovine foules, and the finnes of the Church, Kingdome, Congregation, Towne, Family where you live : Humble your felves pub- lickly in the Congregation, as Ezra did ; humble your felves privately, let your foules mourne in fecret, weep as Chrift overJerujalem : Weep, O Minifters, over your Congregati- ons ; weep, O Rulers, over your people ; weep, O Mafters of Families, over your wives,fonnes, daughters, fervants, that the Lord may have mercy upon you, pardon your barren - nefl'e, and for the time to come snake you morefruitfnll itn all goodnefhe. This mull caute us to Drive under the meaner, and in the ale of the mcanes, to be fruitfull in all holinefie, rich in all grace, as the Sea is full of waters, and the {taxes in the Fir - man;ent are fill of light. This the Lord (who by his power created us, by his hand fupporteth us,the Lord who hath all jurifdi &ion over us, all intereft in us, before whole dread- full and glorious tribunali every foule mutt fhortly make his appear-