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r I .FrKitfilne under the Goffiell. II 9 appearance) requireth: Grow(faith the Lord by the Apoftie) z Pec.3. I s. ingrate, and in the knowledge of our Lord Je('ucc Chuff : Grow in knowledge, as Schollers in learning, Tradefrnen in skilful< nef% in the myferies of their Trade ; grow in all grace, as tYillowes by the water coures ; as children by' the milke fucks from lfa44.4 their Nurfes. This is one fpeciall end of our Saviours incar- I Pet.,,.z. nation, pafiion, refurrettion, to purifie us to himielfe, Ape- Tit.2..í4 culiar people zealous of good works. This is a prime and fingular fruit ofthe Miniftery : the clouds are appointed for the wa- tering and making ofthe earth fruitful /, the builders for the perfeaing of the houle, and the Minitiers for the making of us rich in grace, and perfeíi to every good work. This is the fer- Eph. 4.I I,I 3. vent prayer and ardent defìre of Gods faithful/ Minifiers. As the Husbandman delres the field may be fruitfull, and the Nurfe that the child may grow z So doth the fpirituall Huf- bandmen of Gods Vineyard, the Narks of Gods children, pray that they may be fruitful/ in every food work. This is the Col. 1.10. proper and gracious operation of the Word in the hearts of .. the Lords people ; and therefore, 1 befeech you, give all dili- Mat. I;. gence to make your tailing and ele &ion lure, and to abound in all goodneffe; make the inward and the outward man like the Tree bearing twelve forts of fruit every monetb, be yee Revel. zz.z. furnimed with all forts of fpirituall fruits, and that at all feafons. Be fruitful/ in your Underilandings, enriched in all know- ledge ; know the efficacy of the Word of God difcovering thy I Cor. f nne, as a two edged fword dividing between the bone and :narrow ; t leb.4, I z, know the power of it awakening thy confcience, as a Trumpet gifts z.37. awakeneth the fleepy ; know the vertue of it, healing the wounds of thy foule, as a Patient knowes the vertue of the Medicine; as Naaman 'chew by experience the vertue of the River Jordan waffling him ; as he that is cold knowes the beat of the fire warming him : Know the Lord as a Servant his Malter in regard of reverence and fubje &ion, as a friend in regard of communion, as a Father in regard of affiance and child-like affe &'ton. Be fruitful/ in your Memories, by treafuring up the te6ti- monies of the Lord, as gold, Jiver, precious jewels in a rich flore-