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I72 ._ Thef.4.1: s i. Gen.44.24 Ifa.a.ii. Revel.3. 2.o. ICa.56:a. 2. z Kings .r-o. 20,2.1. Alts 16.14. Prov.8.3 4. .°..$ .. ..... . .. . ._ . Meanes of fi^KixfKlnef. lively faith and holy life of fuck as live in it : thus let us en- deavour to be fruitfull, thus let us grow in grace. Hearken, beloved, how Saint Paul perfwades you, We bejeech you, bre- thren, and exhort you by the Lord Jejus, that as ye have received of us howye ought to walkand to pleaj e God, ¡o ye would abound more and more : Confider, deare Chriftians, how Saint Peter preffeth it, Giving all diligence, adde.ta your faith vertue, and to vertue knowledge, to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godlinefe. And to the end you may be fruitfull un- der the meanes, you muff be, z Carefull in preparing . A prepared field is made fruit - fulI by the feed, and a prepared foule reciveth much benefit.' by the Ordinances of the Lord ; you muff put iniquity farre away front jou, Job 1 I. 13. by defertion, deteftation, declina- tion of every occafion leading thereunto. Jorepos brethren wafted their feet, made re,aJy their I.refent when they were to come be-- ore him,and bowed themfeives unto the earth, and then Jofephmade .7em eat and drink, and they were merry with him : thus .vhen we come before our Jofeph, our God, and our Chrift, .ve muff waft) and be clean : we muff make ready our Bare to ~care, our heart to pray, and prefent our petition before the Lord, and then the Lord Jefus will fup with us, feaft and feed us, and make us merry, joyfull with him in hit Ordinances. 2 Diligent in frequenting the Houle of God, the place where the meanes is We muff wifely forecaff all our bufi- neffe, that we be not hindered 'iusband our time well, that . we may have time to farre for good duties. Cleanthes carri- ed water by night that he might not be hindred from Undy- ing the Li-berall Sciences by day : Thus Mould we rather work by night, then be abfent from the houle of Chrift by day. It is a foule fhatne that Shops,Taverns, Market - places, nay the houle of Baal, fhould be full, and the houle of God empty. lf" you purpofe to be fruitfull, you muff attend on the Miniffers of the Lord, as Lydia did on Paul, the lame man at Bethefda ; as Suitors and Clients wait day by day, and hour by hour, at the gates of Princes and Counfellours, to have their fuits heard, caufes favoured, Petitions granted : Thus muff we wait daily upon the puffs of the Lords houle, and then we.fhall be bleffed. 3' Holy,