Grosse - BV4500 G76 1640

Meafte,s o, f fruit fulne. i 3 Holy,fervent and frequent prayer: Pray for a powerful! ' 3, and faithful! Miniftry,for a zealous and godly Magiffracy in every Corporation and Congregation in the Kingdonje, for an univerfall reformation in every particular family. Hanna was in bitternefie of fpirit, prayed, and her barren womb was r opened and made fruitful/ : Thus fervent prayer is an inllrument of great power to move God to make thine owne foule, and the foule of others, abundantly fruitful! in all laving graces. Eliah prayed, the clouds poured downe their raine, the barren ground became fertile. Inflant and earneft fuppli- cation canfeth the do &rive of life to diflill upon the foule, like the dew upon the herbe, and the latter raine upon the mown graffe : therefore pray alwayes with all prayer and fupplication in Ephef.6.I9: the fpirit, that utterance may be given unto the Mini ffers, that they may open their mouths boldly to make knowne the my ery of the Gofpel. The people gave a (bout, and then the wall of Teri Iofhua 6.zo, cho fell at the founding of the Rams borne ; the Priefls founded and the people fbouted, and then the work was effe &cd, vi&ory was obtained : As Jojbua fought, 14 Mofes prayed, and then the EXod, i7. r r. Amalekites werefúbdued. The blared fucceffe and comfortable operation of all the reff of Gods Ordinances is very much dependent on our holy and fervent fupplications. 4 Carefull attention unto, and a heedful! hiding of the Word in our hearts. As Benhadsds fervants watched what Ahab r Ain4g,zo.33 would freak, fo mull we watch with all heedfulnefíe what the Lord doth fpeak to us in his Word, and by his Minüiers ; we mull carefully mark acrd throughly view it; we muff, with Cornelius, !care with attention, diligence, circumfpe- - P fts ¡0.33 cion and reverence, what the Lord doth fay unto us. What Serbidius L'cevola was want to fay of the civili Law, Jus civile fcriptum eft vigilantibus non dormitaxtibus,may much more truly be fpoken of the fpirituall Law,and holy Word of God;and as we muff be vigilant,warywatchfull in hearing,fo we mull be careful! to hide the Word in our hearts, as the wife Mer- chant hid his Pearle, that it may warme us as fire hidden in a Machr3. pile of wood, that it may ftrengthen us as meat digefted in the ftomack, fru&ifie as feed hidden in the ground, that it may reftraine us as a bridle from finne, quicked us as a fpurre Pfa1 R 2 to I23