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Kinds of Peace, 2 5 ther carnal/ or fpirituali. in regard of'the Obje &, or parties'. with wham we embroce it, it is either civil bvtweene man and man, or Chriffian between Gods children, or divine and heavenly between God and the foule of man : in regard of the Adjun &, it is either publiL:ke of the Church or Common- wealth, or private between our felves and our neighbours,or ferret, between each particular perfon and his owne confci- ence. The peace here fpoken of, is a fpirituall and heavenly peace between God and their foules, a peace in regard of the fountaine flowing originally fromGod the Father ; thé caufe meriting, Chriffs fufferings ; the infl'.ument° revealing and workingit, the GI 11; the medium by and through which it is revealed, the Sonne of God-the Mediator ; the caute effi- cient, the holy Spirit ; the'fubje& receiving it, the heart fan - etifiect: They knew that true peace con(ifed in having per- feft communion with God, but that the preaching of the Gofpel was the inffrument, and Chrifi the procuring calk' of it, they knew not : and for this they were upbraided, Here is the amplification of their ignorance, taken from the feafon. In this thy day. Day generally f g-nifieth time, fpc- cially a naturals or artificiali day but ufually in Scripture day is three wayes taken ;' Firffthere is -lies vite : as the day is Ihort, full of changes,ánd attended with the night ; fo is the life ofmanof frriall continuance, fubje& to many chan- ges,everwaited onbydeath. Secondly,there is dies do trine the day is lightfome, difcovereth things hidden ; fuch is the nature, and fuck is the effe& of the word of God. Thirdly, there is dies gratie : this -is the'd.:y here mentioned, a time wherein God offered mercy to them ;` fitly refembleed to the day inregard of Revelation; without the GofpeIl it 'is all night,alh darkneffe in regard of Adornation, the Gofpell, the meanes of grace, is the crowne, honour, beauty of a placeor people, as the day is the glory of the world : In regard>of Con1olatio4 the day is pleafant ; It is a pleafant thing to the eye to behold the light ; fo are the- meanes and times of grace pleafant and comfortable to the foules of the people : In regard of Difiintion; the day diftinguifheth one thing fronnanother; fa under the meanes of grace, the preciors are R3 feia z ef.5.3. RTh. z Judges Ephef.z.rq.. Pfa1.1 21.6. z King. z o. r 9 Rom. r 2.18. Phil. 4 .7. Phil.4.7. Ifa.53.5. EpYmf.6".i5, Col.z.zo. Rom. t 4.1 7. I6.54 13. 14íac.3 jofhua 1 1.9. l'fal.go:g. z Cor3,T3. Ro;tl:i' Ecslef.zt.7.