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I 2. 6 Danger of negleaing the meant&.time of grace. 'MI 5.19. feparated from the vile, the chofen n from the er prob.:te: In re gard of #eedy preterition ; a day is loon gone,fo is the means of grace loon removed, a night of uncomfortable darknefs brought upon us, if we make not ale of the meanes when we have it : which is the Fourth and laft thing here obfervable, their deprivation of the meanes of grace, the things belonging to tbeir peace were oiddenfrom their eyes : the punifhment of their former igno- rance, contempt, rebellion, barrenneffe, ingratitude, they were left in their blindneffe. From the exclamation and am- plification, our Saviour upbraiding them for their igno- rance, depriving them of the meanes ()fide for their barren - neffe,blindnefs,difobedience under it ; we may learn,that boar. It is very dangerous and fearfull for any people or perfon to neg- leíi the meanes and times of grace which God dot!) offer them. There was a Law in the dayes of Mofes, that when they came to fight againft a Citie, Puce muff be proclaimed, if they Deut.20.10, would not accept the peace proffered, and become tributaries, then they I I,I 2,13. fhonld beftege it ; and when the Lord had delivered it into their hands, they fbould _finite every male thereof with the edge of the fword : In like fort, the Lord by the miniftery of the Word, layeth liege to our foules, proffered conditions of peace ; but if we refufe peace when he offers it, and will not be reconciled, and will not become tributaries to him,but deny to him the tribute of love above all creatures, the tribute of obedience before all perlons, the tribute of dependance in all eftates and conditions the tribute of contrition, confef ion for all offences ; the tribute of humiliation at the apprehenfion of our prefent vilencfle ; the tribute of thankfulneffe for all re- ceived mercies; if we refufe this, the Lord mill befiege us with an Army of fearfull plagues and punifhments, and at length miferably defiroy us ; he will have no pitie,no com- p anion upon us. Hear what the, Lord hath, to this purpófe, Prov.I.21. fpoken by Solomon, Proverbs :I. verfe 23. There is Gods invi- tation ftrengthened by the confederation of part and prefent correaions, and the promife of future kindneffe., Yerfe 24, 25. There is their refufall, obftinacy,rebellion againft him, their freighting of Gods coctnfels, wearinefs under his cor- re&ions.