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Full fruition of Chrift the godly mans clefire. after thee, 0 God : my foule thirfteth for God, for the living God : when (ball I come and appeare before God ? before God in his ho- ly Temple, in the affembly of his Saints and fervants,in the ufe.of his Ordinances, in-the fente of his loving kindneffe, and in the full fruition of his face in the higheft heavens. And this the Apoftle expreffeth by a Metaphor taken from the naked, who have no garment to cover them,no houfe to hide them : as they with great diligence feeke, and much earneftneffe long for a covering ; fo doe the faithfull fer- vants of God long for heaven, their houfe and habitation, and for the full fruition of Jefus Chrift ; whole righteous nefs is their rich and royall robe, their pure and fpotleffe garment to cover them : In tir (faith the Apoftle) we groan, earneftly defiring to be cloathed upon with our houfe which it from hea- ven. As he that is in darkneffe longeth for the light, fo the foules of Gods children in the darknefs of this world; doe long for Jefus Chrift, and heaven, the Sunne of z ighte oufnefs, and that heavenly Citie which God hath provided for them, Where there it no need neither of the Sunne nor of the Moone tofrine in it, becaufe the glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb it the light thereof. As the Bride doth long for the coin- ing of the Bridegroome ; fo the fpirituall Bride longeth for the coming of the heavenly Bridegroome Chrift Jefus, be- ing frcke of love, and full of longings after him. As the 'Mo- ther of Sifera looped out through the window, and cryed through the tattle, Why is his Chariot fo long in coming ? why tarrie the wheels of his Chariots ? fo doth the Spoule of Chrift here in this life, looke forth through the window of Gods ordi- nances, and through the lattefs of her faith, and cry, How long, Lord Je fto, bow long ? Thou art my helpe and my deliverer, Revel. 6.ìo. anab\e no tarrying, 0 my God. And the Apoftle for the miti- gating of their forrowes, afiwaging of their troubles, qui- eting of their confciences, and the better flaying of their foules, perfwading them to wait, affures them of the fpee- dy coming of Chrift, Paying, C«ft not away your confidence, Pfa.4o, z 7. which bath great recompence of reward ; for yee bave need of pa- tience, that after yee have done the will of God, yee might re- ceive the propiif e : Fer yet a little while, and be that pall come T z ri,! I 38 z i:or. 5. t. Rcvel.zz.z3. Cant. 5.6,8. Judg.5.zs. Heb. T o.3 5, 36,37.