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140 ariar coming ends man,rfinn,e ; Phili.a3. will come, and will not tarry. And thus have Gods fervants exprefífed their deíires. I dei re (faith Paul) to be diffolved, as a .prifoner from his fetters, as a captive from his bondage, a 04r.s.4,8.- i and to be with Chriff, Which is farre Better. And, we groan (faith he, fpeaking in the name of all the faithful!) to be cloathed up- a ,,that mortality might be f wallozced up of immortality. And, we are willing, ta beabjent from the body,, and prefent with the Lord: I Thef î.9,s o Ail(' this the Apoflle commended in the The ffalonians,tbat tbeyy were turned to God from- idols, to ferve the, living and vue God, and, to wait for his Son fi ®m heaven, as fervants wait for the coming, of their Lord and Mailer : And this Saint Peter termes a look- Per.3. 2%. ing for, and haífenittg unto the coming of ofGod : The rea- fon whereof is, Realm ï. In regard of their remaining finne and corruption This is to them as a difeafe to the ficke, as fetters to the prifoner, . as a burthen to the traveller, as a mote to the eye, as mana cies to the hands,as chaînes to the feet,as aches to the bones, z as the Sonnes of Zervia unto David, they were adverfaries to him, too Jiang for.hiin :: fo are their corruptions adver- faries to their foules, to their peace, to their communion, with God, to their prefent and everlafting welfare. Some- Rom7,23 times they are too ftrong for them, leading them captive, as r Pct. z.i r a tyrant the íouldier whom he hath taken in the battic,enak irìg continualt.warre againft them, as the houfeof Saul did again the houle of David, being as pricks in their eyes,and z, Sam.3. T. thornes in their fides ; as the Canaanites were to Ifrael,as hea- J dges s. 2. vieburthens to their backs,,burthens too heavie for them to beare ; 8,4. Rom 7.z4, .m as deadembers in their bod y, ver y cumberfome and oc cafions of. great trouble. And therefore as the Noble man John 44Z went unto Chrifl, and befought him; that he would come down and Beale his Sonne, becaue he was at the point of death ; fo doe the faithful! fervants of God goe to Chrift, and fay, Come Lord j fus, that there may be a thorough healing of 'all their in- firmities. 2, .. In regard of Satans fubtile, affidunas and violent temp - fofhùa to. tations : As the Amoriti(b Princes befïeged Gibeon, fo doth the Prince of darkneffe befiege the fouls of Gods people. As Pharaoh impofed heavie burthens upon the childremof lfrael, let