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Deaths benefit. 1101111MMEIT.1.4^ him,our hope fo fetled ora him,our love fo itrög toward him, our fubjeEtiiö fuch under him,that we may be able at all times and feafons,in all eftates &conditions to fay,Come LordJelur. Behold in this the honour and profit, the advantage and comfort which a bodily diifolution bringeth to the righte ous, to all true beleevers : they delire the full fruition ur Chrift, and this bringeth them home to Chritt : to than dye it gaine ; gaine of liberty from the buethen of all corrup- don, from all the affaults of Satan, from the fervitude of the world,and all of li &ion ; gaine of perfe& hotineffe, in refpe& of Gods image ; gaine of compleat vi &ory, in refpeft of all enemies ; gaine of molt fweet communion,in refpe& of their fellowfhip with God, Chrift, the glorious Angels, and all the Saints of God ; gaine of abfolute honour, in refpe& of their glorious condition iu heaven. As death to the righte- ous is a tree of many fruitfull branches, a rnefíenger of ma- ny comfortable tidings : fo the Spirit of God hash given it many denominations. Sometimes it is filed a Sleep; Peep pofef eth onely the outward members and fenfes, the Coale fleepeth not ; fo in death the body onely dyes, the foule is carried into Abrahams bojonze. Sleep giveth reft unto the bo- dy, They who dye in the Lord -re ff from all their labours. Sometimes it is called a gathering to our Fathers : by death the righteous are feparated from the wicked, gathered as wheat into Gods garner, and their foules bound up in the bundle of life. Sometimes it is called a Bray, the way of all flefh ; by the way we come to our home, to our fathers and to our friends houle ; and by death we come to our heavenly home, to God the Father and the Lord Jefus. Sorntimes it is called a going forth : As the prifoner goeth forth of the prifon, and Pad went forth from the bondage of iEgypt : fo when the body dyeth, the foule goeth forth, as out of a prifon, and entreth into the land of the living. Sometimes it is called an End; becaufe in death there is an end ofall frone, of all forrow, of all la- bour and trouble, as in the waters of the red Seas the Ifra- elites .Egyptian bondage ended. Sometimes it is termed a Sowing; the feed which is fowne doth fpring forth againe in- to a blade, the body in the refurre&ion fhall flourish like the V grafi ; 145 phil.tsr. I. Matth.9.z4.: Luke U. zi. Revel. 4.13 2. Gen.z g.8. t Sam.zs.zy 3. Joíhua 2,3.1k z Pet,a.i. 5 6. John i.z4. t Cor. 15.44.