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i Motives _ longfor Ca .rP' Auguffiae. ryprian. 2 11. et.3..13. 2 Ticn.4. s. L. kS Gen. 454,5. Luker 5.. Ifa. ó1 T. Mara r. z R. 2. Gen.3.s.i. Amos graffe; death, like a Phyfitian, cures all their difeafes, like a !icy, opens the prifon, and reftores them to a bleffed free- dom:, and brings them to the full fruition of Jefus Chrift, the defire of their foules. And this is the fweete i and ful- left gaine of a Chriftian. Lucrum eft evajjfe incrementa peccati, lucrum fugi fe deteriora, lucruin tranfire ad meliora. Aug. Lucrum maximum computat Chriffianus, jam feculi laoucis non teneri, jam nullrr peccatif 69"Vitiil Garnis obnoxium fieri, excmptum prefruris angentihu-, e venenatis diaboli_faucibus liberatum, ad letitiamlà- ltais ¿terne Chriflo vocante proficijci. Cypr. This muff perfwade and move us to work our hearts to a holy longing and earneft defire after the comming of the Lord Jefus 5 to defire it as the Husbandman the comming of the Harvefl, the lick man the comming of the day of health, or the Ward the day of his full age ; to look for the new hea- vens and the new earth, and to love the appearing of the Lord Jefus And for that end, there muff be, Firft,.Godly furrow for frnne.. Chrift comming is comfortable to filch as are truly forrow- full : he that is weary of his corruptions, doth truly long for the comming of Chrift Jefus. Jofeph fpake to his Bre- thren kindly, and entertained them curteoufly when he law them grieved for the injtary offered him. The Prodigals day of humiliation, was the day wherein his father gracioufly received him. Chrift will be found a sweet and merci full Jefus to all truly penitent finners. Secondly,there muff be a thoróugh removal! of fnne, an effeftuall reformation of all our wayes. Jacob went not tip to Bethel before he purged his houle of Idols : It is in vaine for man to fay,Come Lord Jefus, if there be not a converfion of the foule to Jefits s To fuch the Prophet fpeaks, Woe toyou that define the day of the Lord : to what end is it for you ? the day of the Lord is darkneffe, and not light ; as if a man did be from a Lyon, and a Beare met him ; or went into a bouje, and leaned his hand on the wall,and a Serpent bit him.Sball not the day of the Lord be darkne f fe and not light,even very dartre, and ne brightne ffe in it ? What the voyce of God was to Adam upon the eating of the forbidden fruit, what the comming of the flood was to the prophane men of the old world, what the waters of the red Sea were to Pbaraob,what the fire from hea- ve