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Saint Pauls Legacy 5 working faith and loveéin him ; brought him into the {late of grace, Towne a feed in his heart which (hall never dye, kindled a light in his foule which {hall never goe out, and fet his feet in that way from which he {hall never wander, but walk on untill he come unto his bleffed and everlafting home. And this is that which indeed gives caufe of joy and gladneffe to the people, even their full and effe &uall corn. forting then (elves to the Minifters do&rine, their obferving his councell, their obeying his admonition, their feeling the power of his miniftery in working a bleffed and gracious change in them. The Eunuch feeling faith wrought in him by Philips Sermon, and being baptized by him, having his incorporation into thrift fealed up unto him, it is faid, He went on his way rejoycing,though the Spirit of the Lord caught aWa) Philip, that be Taw bim no more. It is Paid of them that beleeved upon Paul and Barnabas his preaching, though the people raifed perfecution againft Paul and Earnabas, and expelled them out of their coafls ; yet the Difciples, fuch as were con-. verted by their miniftery, were fid with joy, and with the holy Ghoff. And though the departure of Gods faithfull Enn- ba{fadours minifer matter of great griefe and forrow to the foules of all trite beleevers, as fometinres the men of Ephejus wept fore, and fell on Pauls neck, and ki fred him, 1. or rowing wolf of all for the words which he #ake, that they fhould fee his face no more ; yet the fruit of their miniftery remaining, and the pretence or fucceffion of other able Minifters to edifie and bring them unto further perfe&ion , affords them matter of much and fweet rejoycing : Though Paul departed from Je- rufalem to Tarim, yet the Churches were edified, and walking in the feare of the Lord, and comfort of the holy Ghoff, were multi- plied. Gods hand is not fhortned, if one herper faile, he can raise a fecund ; if all faile, the Lord is al- fuñicient : he that truly profiteth by the Word when the Lord affords it, (hall never be deftitute of all fpiritual comfort; whither the mini - fiery faile or be continued, he hath a Day- ftarre rifen within him, which fhall give him a glimpfe of fweet and heavenly confolation : the foule of him that conformes himfelfe to the do&rine of Gods faithfull Minifters,(hall ever meet with fome matter of true joy and gladneffe In A&s g. 39 A&.x 3:g.8,3 A&.zc.37,3 8 Aas 9.3x. W