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i66 Reafon i. Pet..1.19. Rom. I4!7, R.Ottla .13 John 14.1e. Saint Tau's Levey. In regard ofthe bleffed pretence of Gods grace andSpirit within them, there appeares a Day-ftarre of regeneration, which makes them joyfull, as the Starre did the Wife men : they feele .in their hearts that Ringdome of God , that work of rightioufnefre and peace which is attended with joy in the hc'y Ghoft, they difcerne that pretence and operation of faith which filleth them with all in beleeving ; and they behold that Spirit of God dwelling in them, which is the true Comforter the Authour and Fountaine of all Confola- don. In regard of fubjugation of Satan and their owne cor- ruption : They perceive by the effe& and fruit of the mini- fiery which they have enjoyed, how Satan is trode n under theireets, as 7ofhtia trode upon the necks of the Kings of Canaan.; how their 'Corruption is fubdued as thong holds are caft downe by warlike inftruments ;' how the Minifter of the Lord hath put the Devill and all his works to flight, as David fometime overthrew Goliab, and made all the Philiffian Ar- my flye : And as Iliad had great joy to fee Pharaoh and bis b)aft drowned in the waters of the Jeafcr have they matter ofgre,at joy to fee Satan and all their tufts caft downe. 3. In regard Of communion with God : Whatfoever-be taken from them, yet their communion with God is not difl'olved ; walking in the light, conforming themfelves to the do&rine of Gods Nleffengers, they have fellowfbip with God by prayer, as Petitioners with the great Mailer of Requefls Ey faith and love, as the Bride with the Bridegroom: By fseb- jettion, as the fubjeas with their.Soveraigne ; meditation, as the rich men with their Treafure : Ey defirci, as Pil- grimes with their owne Country. And this is the joy of of all joyes to Gods fervants, even communion with God their Father, and with Cbrift their Eusband and Savi- our. O then whiles you enjoy Gods Minifters, conforme your felves to their ,doEtrines, obferve their counfels, embrace and follow their intirnEtions, be renewed and become new Creatures ; and then whether they goe or flay, live or dye, you thall have matter of joy and gladneffe ; you fhall have the 2. Roma 6. zo. jothua 142.24. z Cor. o.4. i Sam.1 7 . Exoda 5.x. 3. i lohn 1.6. Vre.