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Saint Pauls Legacy. Gpd where he begins agood worke, continuer the fame unto per - feíiion. Here is a King that once beginning to make warre againfl the Devill and the lulls of men, goeth on, and cea- fcth not untill he hath obtained a full and perfe& conquefl. He is a builder,who having once laid the foundation of grace in the heart of man, gives not over untill he hath fini(hed the houfe, and made the houle of man a' perfe& Temple for his Spirit to dwell in. True and laving grace once felt and tailed, is molt highly pri- zed, and molt earneflly defired. As the love of mony growes according to the growth of money : fo doth the love of grace anfwer the growth of grace ; the more a man hatli of it the more his foule doth third and long after it, the more he defires to be filled with it ; as the thirfl of the dropfie- man encreafeth by drinking. He that Inch leall grace, puts the lowefl price upon it : no man more fenlìble of the want of grace, then he that hath the greatefl meafüre of grace; no man more defires the encreafe ofgrace, then he that hath the g reatefi fulneffe ofgrace. Take heed then of apoflacy and backsliding ; b° not like Gideon" Souldiers, whofe hearts fainted ; be not like the - Builder in the Gofjell, that began to build, but could net mare an end : Doe not with the Sow return againe., and wallow in the mire of 'fin : returne not to your old lulls and prophaneffe but as Noah, having a patterne from the Lord, began to build, and ceafed not until! he had finifhed his Arke, and was preferved when the deluge came : fo you, having had a patterne of faith and life let before you, and having begun to build according to it, ceafe not until! the work is finifhed, that your foules may be faved when the deluge commeth. Be not like the Sun in Aialon, that flood flill ; nor like the Sun in Ahaz Dyall, that went backe : but like the Sunne mentioned by the Pfalmil }, coming forth as a Bridegroome out of WI chamber, and rejoyce yee like a mighty plan to run his race. Where is your faith in Chrif}, if, like withered branches, you fall off from Chriff, or finke, like the bowie buildcd on the f and ? Where is your love to Chrill, if you give him a bill of divorce, and hold not out with him,unto the end ? Where is the fruit of your long Z attendznce 7Jj e. Luke 14.30. z Pet.z.zz. Gen.6.14 zz Joíhua i i.13 PCal.19.5.