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17 to J Saint Pauls Legacy. Phil. r. r 6. la:raes 2. u Etc,rn4. 3. r Peta.S. Rea/6n á. Eiat zz. T; 2. attendance upon Gods Ordinances ? What availes the (ow- ing of all this feed, if you fall away before the Harveft Where is the Cro wne you look for, if ye faint before the Conq left. 0 then; take heed, hold out, let your works be more at Iaft then at first, be confiant in your profeffion, be fruitfull in all wel- doing, Be fitted with the fruits of righteou neffe, which are to the prai(e and glory of God in the day of Chrift Jefus So (hall the Lord take pleafìtre in you, fo (hall you ho- nour the Gofpel', adorne Religion, fhame the Adverfa- ry, glorifie the IYliniftery, and fill your owne confcience with much peace and quietneffe, and give the Minifter good and juft occaüon to (peak to you in a comfortable language, to bid you with Saint Paul, to be of good comfort. The fecond Legacy which the Apoftle here bequeatheth : a Legacy of Confolation ; Be of good comfort. Though many changes come, many troubles arife, and many aflli &ions be endured for the Name and Caufe of Chrift, yet doe not faint, be not difheartnr d, but be of gond comfort, folate and comfort your feives in the Lord and .his Word : And hence learne,,.that Gods children ought to be very comfortable, though many changes and aUlillionr doe attend them. The Lilly is frefh and bcautifull, and looks pleafantly, though growing among the Thornes : fuch muff be the affe &ion and difpofition of Gods children though compati about with the Thornes and Bryers of ma- ny trôubles. Account it all joy (faith Saint James) to fail into manifold temptations. We glory in tribulations (faint Saint Paul). knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not afhamed. And, beleeving (faith Saint Peter)yerejoyce with joyunfeakable and full of glory. And Gods children have great caufe of comfort, In regard of the Author of their afifions : They come from God as a Father ; they are not a rod in an enemies, but in. a Fathers hand-; they are all in mercy ; they are a Serpent which bath loft his fling, the Venome of them is gone. In regard of their End.': They are not for punifh- - ment,