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172 1 Phil.; z 6. Phil. 2.2. Pr'''. t4. x . *Toeí'. 5... eq.. rieb.13.I. Saint Pauls Legacy. builded by one patterne : all I}rael travelled to the Land'of Canaan by the light of one fiery Pillar : all the paffengers in a Ship row by one Conpa(fe : all that intend to build them- felves a fpirituall houle to God, mull build by one Rule of Gods ¡Yard : all that w Il travell to the Heavenly Canaan, mull make one bord of God the ligist of their feet, and the lantberne of their pathos -to guide them : all that will come to the Haven of c ternall peace, mull have one tellimony of the Lord to dire& them. Let us walk (faith the ApoRle) by the (arc rule, let uc mind the lame thing : And againe, _Be ye of one accord,. and of, one ninde. Wee have one fpirituall and heavenly King, ani mull obferve one Lary ; we have one God , and mutt worfhip by one Rule ; we have one Shepheard, and mutt be commanded by one voyce ; we have one bead, and mutt follow one dire - ¿}iolt. He that difi'ents from true do&rine, makes his Religion n abomination : he that rends himfelfe from the Church of Chrifl, in Chrills worlhip and fervice here, will be rent from Chrifl and the Church for ever hereafter. As we therefore are members of one body, andr'Schollers in one Schoole, let us learne one lefi-on, follow :one guide, chat wee may know aright beleeve aright, and pre¡er1 e the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace ; living both with God, and amongtt our felves, in a fweet and' Melted Peace. The fourth Legacy-which Saint Paul here bequeatheth : a Legacy of mutual' unity, peace and concord between them- felves ;thereby teacing us, that 2'here'naiff be a mutual, fvxet, an entire peace and a etïion be- meeene Gods people As there was a concord between the (tones in Solomons Temple, they were fo fitted and dilpofed', that there was no noyfe heard in the building thereof : fuch a Tweet conjuniaon of affe &ions fhould there be between the people of God, ',, -that no noyfe, no clamour nor cryes'. lhould be heard among them: Peace is a jewel( which we are charged to _Leek : Seek Peace, and enfue it(faith the Pfal- mifl<) Be at peace alro:zg ft dour. f èlvess and let brotherly love cony t inue,