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Saint Pauls Legacy. j 17 3 ....10 tinite; faith the Apoftle.' This is an honour, crown and orna- ment unto man, as the garment to the body,as the Flower to the Garden : This is a necefíary ingredient in all our fer- vices, a fait feafoning all our a &ions : This fweetens all our pofrellions, and all our afílc4ions, as the Tree f iceetned the waters of Marah : Without this, the fulnefre of the world is uncomfortable ; with this, the greatefl affliEfion is made very tolerable : This qualifies and fits us for Communion with God , as Commuion with the Children prepares a man for Communion with the Parent. Remember then your God is the God of peace, your Jefus the Prince of peace , your Calling the Calling of peace, your way the way of peace : Andtherefore fu live in peace, that the God of love and peace may be -with ycu. The fifth and laft Legacie here bequeathed : Sweete and gracious Communion with God , whom hee Riles, The G o D of Peace and Love ; becaufe he is the Authour and Fonntaine of all Love and Peace. Hee defireth and promifeth their -Communion with G o D , as a thin wherein confifted their fupreame and choyceft good : For, Sweete and comfortable Communion with God is mani choyceft good. Wherein Elands the happineffe of a Child`, but in Communion with his Father ? Abjoloms life í but a bur then when be might rot fee his Fathers face.' Wherein, !lands the comfortof a Wife, but in Communion with her Huf- band ? And wherein confifls the happineffe and comfort of the foule of man, but iw having Fell wlhip and Com- munion with God his heavenly Father and Husband ? For this the foules of .G o D s people have molt vehemently longed, this they have moll highly prized ; in the fruiti- on of this, they have pronounced themfelves molt bleí: fed ; and for this, have Chrilis Apoftles prayed in the behalf of others, as for that gift and bleffing which of all others is molt desirable. O therefore humble your foules, remove your finnes re- turne to God fpeedily,fully, nchangeably; attend his ordi- Z 3 nances- G1.3.I z. I Cor. 16 14. Exod.I525. Do.7r. z Sam. 143z1