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I 74 I Saint Pauls L.egaçy. nances, beleeve his promifes, walk in the wages of his Corn- mandements, grow up in Chrift Jefus ; and you shall have that communion with God which fhall encourage you againft all fcares, comfort you in the mida of all forrowes, fuaaine you in all diftreffes, fatisfie you in the abfence of all abilities, and be an abundant recompence for all loffes, and an inchoation of that eternity of communion which You íhall have for ever withGod in Heaven. And now, Brethren, the Starre of my Miniftery is here let, and the candle of my labours is gone out, no more to be lighted (as I conceive) in this place. -I am now no more, no longer a Watch-man to admonifh you, a Guide to con - du& you, or a Shepheard to feed you : The God that fent me, and let me here amongft you, hath now againe cal- led me from you, and placed another over you, to be, I trnft, an inftrument of greater good then .I have been unto you. Of my felce, Brethren, I can fay nothing, but as Gideon Indges TS. laid of himfelfe, My thoufand it the meaneff in Mongrel), and I am the lea in my Fathers bouje : So may I fay, My talent is (of many) the meaneft, and I am the leaft, the weakeft and un Northieft of many thoufand Minifters in God my Fathers honfe : I am but a rcoodden Veffell , the Treafure is the Lords : I am but as a morme, and no man ; I am nothing, it is the Lord hath done all that little good which hath been done by me in this fun&ion ; let me therefore for the time to come, be reputed as nothing, forgotten like a dead man out of mind, and like a broken veffell : And if any foule hath bene- fitted under my labours, let all the glory be given to Chrift Jefus. For my felfe I have fomewhat to fay, but not much; I have now ferved you more then two Apprentifhips ; where- Aá.so.s6,t7 in, I truft, I have fo ferved you, that I may fay, as Paul did to the men ofEphefus, Iam pure from the blood of all amongf}you : for I have not fbunned to declare untoyou all the councell of God ; all that, I meane, which God hath made knowne to me ; according to my weak and poore abilities, I have difclofed all, I have kept back nothing from you. In the work of my Miniftery