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4 Vanity ofbuinainDoEirine. 11210.177MIRIONO 141/pmpp,passra.... leaVe man iiAnorant of God and himfelfe. o doftrine can 2. fhew us God, but that which is from God. Secondly, they humble not the foule : As Zebab and Zalmunna laid of Jether, y Iudg.8.2,T, Y Such as the man is, latch is his firenrb ; Co, fuck as the do611-ine is, fuch is its flrength. The Devill regarded not the Ions Of, toas 19.a 5°. 2 Scev,s adyuration, his holds are never call downe by a Z Luke is.; mane doEtrine. Thirdly, they nourifh not : The a Prodigal! 3° mu like to ftarve before be returded to .bis Fathers boule. He that feeds on the husks of fo,Taigne and ftrang,e doEtrines, will ftarve his foule, if he returne not to God his fathers houle, where is heavenly bread enough : Man may feed on tilde b Gen.4t. plentifully, and yet like Pharaohs leane.b kine afier their eating hp the fat, be os leant as ever. Fourthly, they pacific not ; like lob r 6.3. _Yobs friends,they are miferable c comforters ; they d comfort in vain . ct zlch. io. 2r. The e woman in the Gopell Pent dl upon the -13bficianc, and yet e Mark 2.9. could not been; ed tin:ill the came to Chrift ; there is no cure for wounded confcience.s, unleffe they come to Chrift jrz Co 51...Tr ; jefus. Fiftly, f they deceive, as the Serpent deceived our firft g z Kings . Parents ; and as g akeea would have deceived FzekiaL4 Siii 6. Sixtly, they allure and draw to lin, as the II harlot allu- bProv.7. red the young man. Scventhly, they impoverift the foule, as by 7- meanes of a whorifb woman, a man i f L ought a morjell of bread. S. Eightly, they captivate and bring the Tonle into bondage, make man the fervant of men, the fervant of c,rruption ; as relila by her finging cau Ced .Vamp,.on to fleep, ¡-,nd cut off his 9. locks. Ninthly, they adulterate the true Doa, ine of Gods Minifters ; as tares corrupt the wheat, and as a litile leaven I 0. doth feafon the whole-lumpe. Tenthly, they derogate from the dignity and honour of Chrift. Eleverithly, they deny Chrifts authority, by making men our Lords and Mailers. 12. Twelfthly, they deny Ch rifts wifdome, by letting up other rules to direEt us, as if Chrift not wifdome enough to mil...Jr.:ill. 0 then, bold falf that forme of doel Inv which CLIO bath takgbt )01...walk in that light which he hath let up to condu& you ; andlware of ma king the cf,,aritrs ofmen the ruk of faith or life ; feed not on them leaft they poyfon you ; build riot upon them 's leapt the fink under you 5-' leane not on them, leaft, they-pierce you 3. walk not after.them, kart they I.