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,lire5f ion to be had from Chr f , , I they deceive you ; but take all your direiiion from Chrift Jesus, in whom is all fulneffe. This mug.} teach us to fuller our (elves, in all things to be guided by Christ, to wait upon him, to take all our direeti- on from him: As Mofes received the whole pattern of theTa- bernacle from the Lord, and accordingly framed it ; fo let us receive the whole patterne of our faith'' and life from Chrift, and'accordingly beleeve and walk, repent and obey. Let us wait upon him, and receive our commifhon from him, as iA/ imaas fometime waited n} on joab, and ran when he bid him. Let us feel Chrift in his fulneffe shining into our hearts as the Sunne in the fulneffe of his ffrength fhineth into the ayre, filling us with fuck divine and heavenly light, that we may fee our owne vileneffe, as a man in a glafe beholds his (pots ; that we may difcerne the things that differ, as in the day, men difcerne colours ; that we may be humbled in the apprehenfion of our owne unworthineffe,as Paid fell uui- to the ground when the light fhined about him ; that we may know and feel the vanity and emptineffe of the crea- ture, as the children of the Nobles knew the k emptinc of t')e pits, when they came and found no water in them ; is 7a- cob knew the vanity of Laban,- having changed his wages ten times ; that we may fee the neceflìty we have of Ch rift, as the Elders of Gilead law the need they had of Jeptba, and the Gi- teonites their need of Joshua; that we may behold God in Cbri ff as a Father regenerating us, as a King of mercy pardoning us, as a gracious friend comming neere unto us, beftowing all heavenly gifts upon us, enriching us with all bleflings in Chrift Jefus ; that we may have a cleere apprehenlîon of Chritls beauties, and be thereby drawee to value him above all treafures, to love him above all friends, to honour him above all Conimanders, to delire him above all riches ; to :'place our felvés in him, as' in the Paradise of all our com- forts, to flay Capon horn in all diítreffes, to intend him in all .)ur undertakings, to meditate upon him at all feafons, re- da4 onore and more of the fulneffe of his grace,that at length we may r eigne with him ilk the fulnefie of his glory. CiHAP. 2. An Admoniti- on to wait on Chrif}, and re ceive all dire- Elion from him. L%Satxa.l®e k Ier.14. 4.