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C:{riji.,, office dad ttndertad,ing. 39 on ; and who doth inherit his Fathers fuliiafíe, but this Son, the beloved Son, the onely begotten Sod, the Son of the Fa- thers delights ? 1 hou art my Son (faith God the Father unto Chrift4tris day have I begotten thee, there is his eternall gene- ration ; Ask,e of me and I'ball give thee the Heathen for thine In- heritance, and the utmoft parts of the earth for thy poffeffròn; there is the fulneffe of the gift communicated to him. Jofepb gave portions to all his brethren, but to Benjamin a portion five times as good as what he gave the refidue : God gives blef- fed and liberali portions to all his adopted Sons,but Chrifts portion doth far excell them ; their receivings are from and through him ; he is the z Heire of all, more excellent -then the Angels, haying obtained a more a excellent name then they ; As the name of a Son is more excellent then the name of a Ser- vant, and the name of a King troi'e excellent then the name of a Subje &. Chriti is both Son and King, farre above Men and Angels in all divine fulneffe; b being tige brir,htneffe of his Fathers glory, and expreffe image of his Fathers periôn, up- holding all things by the Word of his power, having by himfelfe purged our fins, and fate downeat the right hand of M.jefty on high. In regard of divine Ordination: God hath appointed to convey all fulnefse ofgrace by Chrilt unto his chofen ; God bath ordained to convey all fulnefse of light to the ayre by the Sun, and therefore hath put a great fulnefse of 114ht in- to the Sun ; all fulnefse of nourishment to the branches by tie roots,and therefore bath put a fulnefse of juyce into the roots : in like fort he bath appointed to communicate all .gracious and heavenly fulnefse to the fouls ofmen byChri :i; he hath given him to be the c h:;ad over all things to the Church The head is above the members, rules the members, and communicates fence and motion to the members ; Ghriíx bath preherninet;ce above all the members of his t7 hurch, rules and guides them, communicates íl. ri.ehall fenfe and motion to them, and the Father (faith Saint f 6hn) i ath d c,m milted all things to the d'on; the jet dgement of adnriniftration and government ofall things, the dgen ent cif ; uling and guiding his chofen, in abfolvin.,, th ie fins, is iníiei:<g all D 2 his Heb.i, 4. a Heb. i . ç. b Heb.t.3. 2. e Eph:i.s,:.. d John