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2.0 J Chr ,r OTice and undertakng . his graces into them, that he may live in them, and they in him, preferving them fate to life eternall. God hath made nitre the great and high Steward,, and the Church his houle, to whom Chri },- like a Steward, or rather gin; del penfeth all the fitlnefse which his Father hath committed e 14e1) 3.(. unto him, being e faithfiill as a Son over his houle. And as I Cur.t.3o. God"difpenftth all fnlnefse by. him ; fo, ofnece±iity all ful ne :se mu it be placed in him ; according to that of Ambrofc, Ci,riftus omnibippomnia fa(tu eft, Chriff is nude all things to all men. 3. In regard ofChrils Office and undertaking in the beh.11fe" of Gods Church and chofen : an undertaking fo difficult, that without the fitlnefse of God it cannotbe accompliflred For firfi, filch is the di Bale and malady of the foules amen. that without the fulnefse of the God -head Chriít cannot :cure them ; they are fo dead in fin, that without an Aln,igü_ :v power he cannot ralle them : Were he not the Lord of' [john S.í6. life, . he could not quicken them ; had he not f life in him, felfe originally,_ abfolutely, infinitely, he could not mini- íier life unto them.. Chriít Ihewes-no lease power in railing * 44: the follies of men, then he did in railing the body of Laza- qv. Such is their blindnefse, that were not Ch riff the true h "Iohn 1.9. h light,thât commeth from above,.. he could never Thine into their hearts; had he not thetreafur: s of all wiídorne, he could never make them wife unto falvation; had -he not the i.Reve1.3.7. keyes of David, which open and no man fhutteth, he could never open the eyes of their undertaanding. Such is the ob, ftinacy and hadnefse of their hear ts, that the hammer of the Word without the almighty hand of God, can-never break nor bruife them. Such is the diflánce and difference between -'God and the foules of men, that were not Chriít a perfon of infinite worth, he-could never make any fatisfaetion, never :vork a reconciliation.. No hand can cure mans miferies . but that which bath an infinite fitlnefse. 2:.. Secondly, fetch is the oppofition made by Satan againft this office and undertaking of Chriít, that without the ful"- nefse of the God -head, there could be no conquef : He is a Lyon fo Arong,and fo greedily let upon ills prey,-that were not