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Difficulty of Chrifis undertaking. not Chri l a Shepheard infinitely flrong, he could not deli- ver the föules of men, as David k delivered the fhe:p from the Lyon : He is a man of 1 war fo potent and politick, and fo fortifying his holds in the hearts of men, that were not the power of Chriil almighty, he could never vanquilh and cafe him oat. Liberty from fatans bondage and temptations comes altogether from Chrils' fulnefse. Thirdly, fuch is the profundity and d,:,-41 of the myflery of godlinefse, that,, liád not Chriil a fpirituall and heaven- ly fìllnefse,wcre he not in the nn `Gojonie of the Farber, and knew all things, he could never flea us the Father, he could HT' ver open the Boot feared with seven Sealer, which no creature can open ; he could neverop^n our hearts, and fill us who are o dari;nege, with a marvellous light ; the enli ;htning of mans underflanditg is an almighty work ; he,can be no lefse then- God,that gives us' the fpirit of wifdome and revelati -' on to know God,- and the riches of his goodnefse towards the Saints.' Fourthly, fetch Are_ the. aß'iaions of Chtrifls members, Sa- tan d nth fo befiege and afsault them, as fonletimes the 47rc- riti(b Princes did the Y Gibeoniter, that; were not Chriíl filled with the fulnefse of all power, he could never give theta de- liverance. Freedome commeth to Gods children from the afsaults of their enemies, onely by. the mighty power of Chrifl Jefus : he is the Ark that keeps them from drowning in the deluge of afflieción ; it is he that wa4ks with them, and keeps them that the fiery furnace of trouble doth not buriie and confume them ; ûs he fometime q- watered- wichrthe three children and preferved them. Fiftly, fuch is the perfeaion that God requires in his peo- ple, that,, ere not the fulnefse of the God -head in Chrifl, he could not cloath them with righteoufnefse ; he could not purge out their corruptions, as Jordan purged naman ; he could not r prefent them witho:zt "Pot ard, blentifb inGods pre - fence. It is the mighty power of Chri:-`l that prepares and keeps Gods children unto falvation. And thus you fee the neceflity and verity of the being of all divine and heavenly :fulnefse in Ghrifc Jefus. D 3 CHAP. 2I : c Sam. 17. 34. I Luke z1.x1. 3 m lehn r.i 8. n Reve1.5.8. Ephef.5.8. Iofh: 10:6. q Dan. 7, r Ephef;4.z6.