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26 1 No dependance on the creature. PfaL.Io7,6 ob 2. Folly of feek- ing fulnefie in our felYcs. creatures : The Pfalmitt faith of them that n goe downe to the Sea in Ships,and doe bufinep in great waters ; They mount up to the Heavens, they goe downe againe to the depthr, their joule if melted becatife of truble : The like we may fay of them that goe crown to the creature; and leek for great things', and doe great bu- finefse in the fea of this world, They mount up in honour, favour,and-they go ()Towne againe in poverty, _dirgrace,contempt and hatred,and.their foul &Al even melt with trouble ; never man mined the ereature, but was decci ved by it,his foule frnarted for it ; when the prornifes there- of are greaten-, the deceit thereof i molt dangerous : as Dio. genes fometimes tilled flattering rpeech Melleum laqueum, a ho- ..ney fnare ; filch a fnare are the honey-Affect promifes of the creature ; this like a Delilah, Pings us a fleep makes us fecure, thaves off our locks, robs us of our fpirituall trength, and delivers us into Satans bondage. When Abp feated Amnon and Autnony heart was merry with wine, then Abioloms fer- wants fel on Amnon and murthered him : when the worldfea- fleth man, and the heart of man is merry with the worlds wine,drun ken with the fulnefse of the world, then honours, iches, pleafures, the worlds fervants, fall on min, betray ,nan, and murder the foule of man,fruflrate the expe&ation of man, prove a deceitfull &Ay, and a randy foundatiem uns co man,and the folly of man is made rnanifefi reeking ful- nefse in 'the creatures, wherein, without Chrift jefus, the i)tile of man meets with-nothingbutemptinefie, ,weaknes, bondage, changes, ancideceitfulnefse ; all is vaine without 'Chrifi, a thing ofniught a very nullity, a non-ens, like7obs friends, o Plv.fitians of no value; they cannot cure us, help us,. t:afe us, fill ns, they can dóe nothing for us; Some leek for fulnefse in themr.lves, they pleare the/n- aives with themfelVes, they goe not out of themfeves, they tlook not beyond -or above themfelves. for any thing to fill 'them, to enrich them, to make them happy ; they fuppofe rhey have water enough in their own Well, treafure enough.' the.fiore-houfe of their own fouls.Goliab fuppofed he had folnes enough of ftrength in his own arme, in hiS own wea- Tons&lookectout for no other fulnato affifi him in the co. n- fii