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Opinion of Pelf ftlne. ( 27 filet with David. Vat en man,corrupt man,fuppofeth.he bath fulnefse enough in himfelfe , fulnefse enough of wildome to guide him, of liberty to convert himfelfe, of power to van - (pifh the adverfaries of his foule, of righteouíìiefse to jufti fie himfelfe in the fight ofGod, of merit to procure falvati- on at the hands of God, and therefore he goes not out of himfelfe, he addrefses not himfelfe to Chriú,he leeks not to be filled with the fulnefse of Chrifl ; they trufi in themfelves that they :p are righteous ; they look for no righteoufnefse but p Luke r8 9. their owne ; for no garment to cloath them, bnt that which growes at home, is fpun and woven at home in the houle of their owne flePh ; for no Well to refrefh them or wafh them, but what they dig out of their owne earth ; for no armour to defend then, but that which is framed and.made at home of their owne mettall ; they aro q tic!) and full,ond want nothing, q:Rev.3, 11. in their owne opinion ; they are wife in their owne eye, and lean to their owne r underfi'anding, and ..truft not to the Lord, r 1xov.3, S look not unto him, regard not to be filled with his know- ledge, with his power, with his goodnefse : he that hath higheft thoughts of his owne fulnefse Both ever leafl re- gard the, fulnefse of Chrefl ; he is ready to fay to Chrift tendering to him his fulnefse, as Efau did to Jacob fending him a prefent, sY have enough, my brother, kteep that thou hart unto thy felf, 'It i wonderfull to confider how melts ignorance and r Gen' 3 9 unfenfiblenefse of their owne wants cloth caute them to un- dervalue the fulnefse of Chrif. O how little doe they who have high thoughts of their owne fulnefse difeerne or tafle of Chrifes fulnefse ! And what is man without Qhrifl, that he fhould leek for fulnefse in himfelfe ? butt an empty houle r Rom. 7.t g. wherein dwelletb no good; a.dead man,in whom is no lite; a blind EpheGs. 2. man, in whole foule ism light ; a..loathfome leper in whom is no beauty ; as the world without the Sun, the flock with- out a Shepheard, the menibers without a head,the ru with- out mire, and the flag without without water, as fometime Job fpake; as the field of the floathfüll without a di igent !hand to drefse it is overgrown with torus and nettles,fo and 'filch is the foul of man without Chridt.Did nian fee his ow .n emptinéfse and vilenefse without Chri2`l, he would never be at ref} till he were filled with Ghrits fulncs. Some